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Everything posted by Pvt. KASA

  1. Thank you again gor the explanation! Its already too Late to change it but on the real Apollo one, the rate meters at the edges could display 50 degrees/s max so I think Apollo was moving at that speed. If I think of a capsule spinnig at 0,5 rpm, that seems pretty fast if you are not in ksp. I'll make some pictures after school and try to get the contact rings done. I think i'll print a Round part with 2mm height and some rings around the centre to seperate the contact rings. In the places where there is no seperation i put in a thin sheet of copper Or aluminum. I know this explanation was horrible but If I'm finished I'll post some pictures.
  2. But if two of my gimbals align on the fdai and I move the "missing" axis, would that be possible? I think I didnt understand it because i dont know How this could work if i have 3 axis... Nice Idea with the camera! Do they move fast enough? I am using the cheap Chinese 28byj-48 and they move at around 0,5 rpm (2s per revolution) max. I think that's enough for me but I will also add a light which indicates that the fdai isnt at the real position and needs time to catch up. I am also not sure yet if I'll add photo sensors for calibration. I think it would be easy to build and I have some here but I dont know if I would need them. Maybe I'll have some pictures tomorrow. KASA
  3. Thank you for the explanation! I am still not sure if I should place the gimbal lock region around the poles (probably easier to integrate in KSP) or if I schould do it like apollo (bettet for Launch and landing...) Yeah I am 3D printing some stuff, the C-Clamp is made out of aluminium (aluminum where the non-metrics live ) with printed connectors inside. The Plate between the two Arms is made out of acrylic (because I had it l lying around in the right thickness). I also printed the Part that holds the inner axis Assembly (It is a Metal Tube with Ball bearings at the Ends where the inner axis goes trough) and the Part to connect the middle axis Motor to the C-clamp. I am also printing the parts to connect the hemispheres to the inner axis at the moment ( 1 1/2 h to Go and already 2 hours printing just for the First part ...) I think I will print the second one tomorrow.
  4. Helle there! I am currently working on the FDAI and ive got a question: Why are the Circles on the Ball concentric around the gimbal lock Points and Not the Poles? http://www.collectspace.com/ubb/Forum14/HTML/000813.html In KSP it is concentric about the Poles, right? Also does somebody know what the diameter of the Ball is? I already made the U-clamp and today I will be working on the central plate. Thanks for your answers
  5. No, I meant the Vehicle which launches from Mars to bring the Astronauts from Mars to the Hermes. I couldnt find anything there... The third one by the way is the Rover. But thanks for trying to help! You should really watch the Movie by the way. KASA
  6. Hello there! Im Back after a long time... And I managed to do----NOTHING Ok I worked on the "couch" for the Cockpit (I dont know how its called, just a tilted ejection-seat-ish chair) and thought about the layout and design... I first wanted to build it like Apollo or Something like this but now I think a mix of Apollo and the Martian would be awesome! Not too modern with MFDs but a bit more modern. Im still stuck with the tapemeter and the artificial Horizion (did I even tell you I want to build one) because I´m never sure my plans wont change. I dont want to build it and the throw it away because I dont like it anymore and prefer a different style FUN FACT: Did you know the MAV is called MRV (Mars Return Vehicle) in the German version? Do you know where I can get footage of the MAV interior of the Martian? Bye KASA
  7. Gotcha! Just Woke up and you posted one Minute ago For the Offset weight: The Problem is i dont have These weights For the editing: Im on My Tablet so no shift And After all: How did you Do this nice drawing? And where did you gegen this edgewise Meters? I Never sag them in germany and I couldnt find any Internet shop which sells them for under 30€ + A LOT of shipping. For the Panel, I had the Idea to 1) Split it into different Parts for easy exchange (More flecibility) 2) Support it on the Back with a sheet of Wood with holes where the instruments Stick out on the back. How will you use the AGC?
  8. Thank You again! I am too Tired to understand your Post at the moment so I will try it tomorrow Today I grinded the Seat (It isnt finished yet, the armrest, the Headrest and the box where youre fest are lying in is still missing. Rhe seat Looks like this from the side: +----------+ | | +----------+============/////// ///// is the headrest, on the ===== is your back and your legs Are lying on the box ob the left (its basically a 90* tilted seat) Its Getting a bit complicated now: Things to do: Seat with shaker and Seat Belt pull mechanism Structure Sound System Props Panel layout Panels Indicator Lights Attitude Indicator Guidance Computer with Thermal Printer Space Suit a lot of programming New PC (at the Moment I have got a Laptop and I Need 2 Screens) Periscope for landing to be continued.....
  9. It is a Battery Driven 12v Motor. At the Moment I dont Know how to build the Offset weight... At the shaft there is a 10mm gear... Maybe a piece of aluminum |_| shaped profile with a 10 mm hole and a weight at the end (around 10 cm long i guess). Here comes the dumb question: What can I use as weight? Water filled things? I dont want them to leak Thanks for your suggestions with the shaker! The Problem is: The shaker is nice at around 45hz but just 10hz Off it has only 3/4 of the power... The Shaker is Cheap (10€) so I dont think they are the best quality and I will have to use 45hz to get a good shake. I will Maybe Order a more expensive shaker (24€ ) And add that too. I think it would ne cool if the panels were mit really shaking but rather moving around. (like in "GO for launch")
  10. I think I will just get a function generator to do a sine wave with the frequency where the shaker shakes the hardest and will only adjust the volume of different hardness. The G Idea looks good but I think I should combine it with the throttle because if you burn your engine in space, you may be below 1 G but it will shake. Maybe I will just do it like this: If G load multiplied with a still to test factor is bigger than throttle percent, use Gs. If not, use throttle. Maybe also with the volume Level as well... I also had the Idea to build a BIG pager Vibration device... I found a electric drill beside the road and I am thinking about using it with a off centered weight to generate some low frequency bumping (Maybe at the Panel so it is shaking as well....) I may order some more bass shakers to stick them under my seat as well. Do you know BTW if you can connect several arduinos to the serial port at once so I have 2 Arduinos getting KSP Data? Or do I have to connect one arduino to the Computer and then this to the other arduino?
  11. WOW! Yor Panel Looks awesome! The attitude indicator Nice Idea with the disassembly. Maybe I Could also Tilt it by 90 degrees and slide it under the bed... I cant use it als a chair as it is because you Arne lying in the back and watching up. I will rethink it. I ordered a Loudspeaker, a bass and a bassshaker BTW but I dont know where to Mount them yet. (The shaker under the Seat of course) I also thought about a spring mounted Panel with a Bass shaker for Launch vibrations. (The Apollo astronauts Said they couldnt even read the displays in the First sexonds if i Remember right. Maybe I will add a Air condition (just a hairdryer with deactivated heating) to pump some Air around and them enable the heating during reentry Problem is: How Do you Detect reentry or launch? Launch maybe with mission Time and Reentry with ablator? Both not the best.... I think My Cockpit will be specialised for 3 rocket types: The Suborbital one (Apoapsis 150km and ballistic flight) The Orbital (Orbit and if wanted docking with a target vehicle or spacestation The Munar (Flight to Mun, Landing and return) EDIT: Mounted the Shaker under the Seat today but only tested it with a 15 Watt amp. Do you know if you can combine both stereo outputs and get 30 Watts? I also thought about a mechanism to tighten the seatbelt when G-forces are present. I have so many Ideas but dont find the time to realise them . I couldnt do much on the seat itself because it rained today and the disk saw is in the shed and i didnt want to walk there everytime to saw something. I instead worked on the rocket in KSP which I will use then. Tomorrow I will go on with the seat.
  12. Im Back with some News first the good: I began with the Seat and it Looks pretty nice And the bad I have a BIG problem. There is no Space for a 1*2m simpit I dont Know what to say... I thinkI have to stop the build until I know if it will be possible to Place it anywhere.
  13. I had the Idea to add a Navball on/Off switch and a Yaw L/R and Pitch Up/Dwn switch. (I will also Implement some Kind of Computer Load and the Navball will Need some (like the Radar and other Systems)). If you disable the Navball will go where it thinks Zero is, and if this is off the real Zero value, you Zero it with the L/R Up/Dwn Switches. That will simplify the calibration (although it would be easy with a photocell and a little piece witch brakes it if it is at zero...) and will add some activities to the operation. (If I want to go to the Moon with my capsule, the coasting phases will be pretty boring) (Already looking forward for a 3 Day Moon Mission in My little Capsule ) My father helped me to do the copper rings with a Dremel. At the Moment Im printing the Spring Pressure mechanism for the Contacts. UPDATE: I just bought some Ball Bearings for the axis and also realized that a 3rd axis wouldn't make it more complicated I think I will add the roll axis because I don't have to redo anything and can adapt it. The cable transmission of the 10 wires may be a problem, like the Inertia of the assembly the 3rd axis has to handle... Maybe I will have to get a New Stepper. I`ll try, maybe some Updates tomorrow.
  14. Thank You! I think I will Transmit also through the Metal Axis. I have got the 28BYJ-48 (unipolar) so I Need a minimum of 5 Cables (2 through the left and right axis). Transmission with copper Rings seems to be the only one which doesnt Need a microcontroller Inside.(I have got some Attiny85 Lying around but I cant program them (Beside Audio Jacks but they have some friction... i think I will try to Build a copper Ring mechanism and If this has more Friction as the Audio Jack, I will get some of These. I will Build the Attitude Indicator only with Pitch and Yaw which simplifies the Project a Little bit So I Need only one trough-the-moving-axis transmission. Im going to the Hardware Store today and will get some Materials for It.
  15. I have another Question: Does anyone Know the diameter of the apollo 8-Ball or other Artificial Horizons in Spaceflight history? And do you have a Idea how to get cables in the sphere which schould be able to spin in one direction unlimited times. Etching a copper PCB with rings of copper which are connected via spring loaded rods like here: seems a bit complicated... An Arduino inside the Ball and wireless communication seems a bit expensive... Hope you have Ideas.
  16. I´m back home! I don't have time today (Its 22:11 here) So i will go on tomorrow. I think I will go to the Hardware store in two days to get some wood and plastic for the Instruments, the Seat and the main Structure. Do you know a cheap way to measure and store the heartbeat with an arduino or a USB device? I will begin working on the Indicator Lights tomorrow and maybe a little bit with the Tapemeter. If i got the Parts on Monday, I will begin with the ejection-Seat-Like Seat. BTW If I want to Drive a speaker with 80 Watts from a PC Soundcard, do I need a 80W amplifier or is the Power of the Soundcard also important? I want some Bass Shakers under my seat and at the Instrument Panel for Shaky-Shaky Engine Feeling. (And some normal Speakers of course)
  17. I'm Back! (Not at home but only in the Forum) I just wanted to know if anyone knows the rpm of a 28BYJ-48 at around 5V. I found this: http://42bots.com/tutorials/28byj-48-stepper-motor-with-uln2003-driver-and-arduino-uno/ There it says it runs at 15 rpm. Can you confirm this? I can't search for or in big data sheets because I'm only on my Mobile... Thanks! KASA
  18. @Freshmeat I also got an Arduino Mini (which can emulate a keyboard) but I think it would be better to get a Mega Because it has more Pins (But even with more pins I think I'll need multiplexing) and there is no need for not using serial... if the serial plugin for KSP doesn't work any more, you don't need only the switches Since I'm not at home I can't try multiplexing but I'll figure it out when I'm home again. Bye KASA
  19. @richfiles Oh... But that prevents you from messing around with calibration problems But its working fine now... NOW... but I KNOW in a few days I will have problems again Today I had no time because I made a trip with my father and bought some plastic glass bowls for a artificial horizon (I dont know if i am able to build this ), some sheets of plastic glass and some white plastic sheets for the indicator lights. And I got some drawer cabinets for my little "Workshop" (basically just a desk with the drawers, a soldering iron, a box with devices to salvage, the printer and my Laptop. (And a lot of crap I have to clean up ). I dont know how to make the indicator light glass milky (is this correct englisch?) Maybe just a sheet of paper from behind? I think then youll see the little paper fibres... idk... I will try some ideas. Bye I´ll be back in 11 days KASA
  20. @Sputnix Do you have some links? I only found JsCAD and there are too less parameters... So I have to try the scale 10 times to geht it perfect @Freshmeat I May try this, thank you! @richfiles I thought America was Full of makerspaces and Germany was the only Country with none... Is there no makerspace nearby? today I have no or almost no time and tommorow i'm away for one week Bye, KASA
  21. Thank you! @Freshmeat I worked with blockscad all the time (I know it's a bit childish but I am a child ) But I didn't manage to do a gear in Cad... Do you have a simple guide how to do this? For what I know, you need the coordinates of the peaks of the teeth... And I don't know how to get them. Im in class 8 and we didn't learn it in school so I thought it would be simpler to use an easy gear generator... @richfiles I See you watching EevBlog alot BTW I got the 3D Printer working again... bye KASA
  22. Update: I was out of Time the Last weeks but now we finally have hollydays At the Moment i'm trying to create the gears that fit the Timing belt which was just delivered. Do you have a Idea where I can create STL gears for 3D-Printing? I only found JsCAD and there arme too less Parameters so i just try to scale it up and down... Not very efficient... And I try to create the Layout for the Panel (Im drawing all Instruments in Paper and cut them out) Maybe I will add an edit later to Show the the 2nd prototype if I manage it to Finish it today. See u later Edit: No Edit for today I first have to recalibrate the 3d printer (I wanted to fine-tune it and messed it up ) Buuuuuut I was able to create a wheel stl and it fits perfectly. (So only another wheel to go) Tomorrow I will try to get the printer working, until then im working on the layout. BTW do you know how i can get rid of these big distances between the lines? KASA
  23. Bit that basically the Same I planned, isnt it? Just two rolls (on one shaft) and a spring mechanism to take up the slack. Ive got an 3D Printer, so I could print the Parts. I think that precise enough. I want to use one for a Radar altimeter and one for a sink/climb rate meter. And I didn't understand why the ratchet Idea won't work. Just to Rachet-like shafts that slip in opposite directions. KASA
  24. Yeah, I understood the Basic Geometry about it. Buuuut, Ive got another Idea to save one Motor: How about shafts that only transfer rotation in one direction? So both shafts where the tape is rolled up are connected to one stepper and if the stepper turns right, one shafts pulls and one shafts slips, and in the other direction, the other shaft pulls and the other just slips. Then I would just need an algorithm to tell the diameter of the roll/how much I have to turn to get a given tape movement. Would that work?
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