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Everything posted by Pvt. KASA

  1. Ok... I think i´ll go with two stepper Motors. Is a Encoder needed or is it optional? Do i loose so many steps? Do you have a Idea how to code that diameter correction? Thank You! KASA
  2. I just wanted to have a small hole with a UV Photocell at one end to drive there at startup to calibrate it. I thought the Problem with the differing diameters of the wheels that hold the tape would be solved by simply pulling the tape with a spring... The error caused by it schould be within 5mm, or what do you think? If it is, it`ll be ok. BTW when does this "needs to be approved by a Mod" thing stop? What is it for? Thanks, KASA
  3. Ok, Took a while but I now made the first Tapemeter Prototype: The blue white is the timing belt to drive it (I ordered it but not yet delivered) I also put the wheels in a Lego construction, but didn't made pictures... I also ordered some stepper Motors. Im trying to figure out a way to paint the tape at the moment. KASA
  4. Hi there! i just wanted to say hello and "present" my plans for my ksp cave: I am sleeping in a raised bed with 1,5m space under it. So I had the Idea to build some sort of ksp capsule below my bed. i will the lie parallel to the floor with raised legs, the console above my head. (Just like the launch situation with Apollo, Gemini and Mercury. I want to have it fun but also a little bit realistic. It should be a mix of Mercury, Gemini and Apollo. I think it's ok if it's primarily designed for only two ksp companies crafts: one for space station docking and orbit operation and one for a Mun landing. At this point I'm figuring out the positions of the switches, buttons, gauges and lights. I also got some parts to try some things. I want to be able to do a complete session/mission without leaving the capsule once so I think I'll need at least a small mfd. I will control the inputs with a unknown number of arduinos. (got at least 1 arduino micro for keyboard emulation experiments.) Thats it for my first post, hope there weren't to much grammar mistakes, I'm only in 8th class so we had englisch for (only) 4 years yet. It's written on my phone so the autocorrect helps me Thanks for Reading KASA (name wasn't available anymore) edit: Two more Informations: There should be one window forward like the Gemini ones and a periscope in heat shield direction to observe the ground before Mun touchdown I'll Send some drawings tomorrow maybe
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