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Kerbal Nerd123

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Everything posted by Kerbal Nerd123

  1. Your welcome here are mine creations JUST IGNORE THE NAME! This is the B29 Bomber ready to launch and drop Fat Man Bomb. And The B29 Bomber Have dropped the Fat Man dude you there?
  2. If anyone out there that can build planes really well,I give you a challenge try to build the B29 superbomber,The spitfire and the BF109 e4 if you want you can use any mod but you got to build it your self and put a screenshot of it here here are some of mine The B29 Super Bomber (british version I used firespitter mod with my own textures)
  3. I'm playing in KSP 1.0.5 but i can't find any decals for my WW2 planes can somebody help and by the way how do you add your own textures to mods like firespitter and procedural wings?
  4. Wow wait so is Jool my best option or eve I can't get enough delta V for jool where can i go now???
  5. No but the ship will glitch through the ground sort of can stay in the surface i have seen videos of it look And i think you got to land somewhere near the jool's pole like really in real life the saturn's poles are like jelly ish like soft ground on the poles
  6. Hi this is the rocket I'm trying to use to land on jool will this work?? again
  7. Just a random Image... No this is not the spacecraft I'm Trying to build
  8. Dude i still play KSP 1.0.5 I even make WW2 planes and stuff See: The Bf109 E4 i made The SpitFire i made The Lancaster Bomber I made And the Boeing B29 Superbomber I made
  9. like this ??? With my jool mission can KW rocketry will help with the engines?
  10. This i put Just to learn how to upload a screenshot by the way this is a nuclear bomb
  11. Ok ill try to make a suitable rocket for that the only thing is i need a design.But still thank for the help By the way how do you post screenshots? Aaa im kinda new to KSP forums...
  12. By earth i mean kerbin Lol Designing is a bit a problem but the fuel is the major problem
  13. HOW ON EARTH CAN YOU GET TO JOOL OR FREAKIN EVE?? I made my best and biggest rocket but ITS TOO UNSTABLE IT JUST OVERHEATS THATS IT the problem is i need a good rocket design and more fuel somebody help!
  14. I wonder if KSP will get a WW2 mod.It will be really cool though.Like WW2 plane's fuselages,wigs,cockpits,WW2 tanks and other World War 2 guns and bombs.If someone can make a mod like that it will be super freakin awsome.I really like World War 2 stuff it's really cool and stuff.But if someone is kind enough to make this World War 2 mod but i recommend to put most of the stuff that World War 2 like bombs,planes,tanks and even vehicles. And Thank You!!
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