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  1. Just been getting a new 1.2 career going (few mods for now mostly stock), Holy Crap is hard mode punishing! I killed Val because i didn't bother to read that USI-LS puts kerbals on strike after 5 days in a command pod; she died because i could eject the booster and expose the heatshield for a lunar return. Then i tried one of the new G-force contracts, not a good idea, RIP Jeb. Since then I've been doing kerbin orbit tourist contracts to get some rep and cash. Just finished a lunar orbit return, but still have no cash to unlock patched conics so it was a bit hit and miss. good fun, but reentry is so tense!
  2. Progress continues on evacuating all Kerbals from all facilitys before I introduce Kerbalism. I have been working on a little crew shuttle based off the dreamcatcher and today it ran one of the evac missions to test it's reentry capabilities; they are passable but the water landing proved a bit harsh. In other news, I repurposed an eve orbital flyby (cancelled due to immanent life support issues) as a munar rescue which netted a decent amount of incidental science. Lastly I flew another couple of hundred km's towards Kerbin k1 with my dropplane/rover.
  3. Haha Cheers, yea I have been playing for ages but I've never really done a Kerbin expedition and i haven't unlocked cargo bays yet. Kerbin terrain is actually stunning, I've been having a ball with this.
  4. Currently flying out to climb the highest mountain on Kerbin (thanks Interplanetary mountaineer), Low tech career plane, a little rover, good fun. http://imgur.com/a/XOrMv Oh look a pretty sunset! http://imgur.com/a/brbNj
  5. I've just had a nice little idea for a bit of a challenge; I've decided to try out kerbalism, But for a twist i'm going to try adding it into my half finished career. So today is going to be about implementing a series of preemptive rescue missions before my kerbals start needing silly little things like food, oxygen and room to move. Luckily i don't have any interplanetary bases yet.
  6. That's fair, i'm saving pics for when it's more consistent, still figuring the ai out. I wondered that, it was a bit weak, my plane beat the mk23 in a 4v4 where i forgot to arm my guns for the first couple of minutes.
  7. Cheers, I think i'm getting there, my plane just punched the super bee out the sky!
  8. Man! the Nightingale is a monster, I've got a competent little design on the up (which can run rings around a couple of designs here) but it has some serious issues knocking the Nightingale down. Just now in a 2v2 one bloodly Nightingale, with a wing shot off, downed both my remaining planes! http://i.imgur.com/FaWhth4.png, Edit: After reading a page or two back I realize there are planes much better (at least according to smack talk), I better up my game.
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