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Everything posted by KerbaDex

  1. I agree there is a manual way to get 1.0.5. I agree that there is a manual way to keep all versions on my side (copy the game folder) But my question/suggestion is that the features available in steam can already manage that for the whole player base. It seems possible and doable (other software does it on steam) And most of all, I forgot to backup my 1.1.2 version and am heading into a long weekend where I planned to finish up my Duna Space Station Any idea how I could get my hands on 1.1.2?
  2. I just don't see how this is a steam issue? I'm curious as to why that would be for KSP/Squad specificaly I have other games on Steam that seem to handle the beta branches contents themselves. Other example of software using beta branches to hold the two latest versions up for the users. Devs seem able to set branches with or without passwords, etc. What am I missing that would prevent this?
  3. Hi all, Would it be possible to keep the "Previous stable version" updated to the well... Previous stable version. It would let most modded games continue while all the mods catch up, and also let players compare the updated feature vs. old feature. at the moment that option bring back a 1.0.5 version of KSP.
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