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  1. So, at least you know you aren't alone. I'm having the same bug, as well as the OP in the thread I just linked. I can post images, as well as my stats, hopefully this helps. First, the images: I'm using the mk1 and the lander can as good examples, but it happens with every crew module I use. I have crew in the module, and can fly/use parts; however, I have no crew portrait. I'm running: Operating System Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1 CPU Intel Core i5 2400 @ 3.10GHz Sandy Bridge 32nm Technology RAM 8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 665MHz (9-9-9-24) Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (EVGA) KSP version: Mod list: B9 Aerospace (Parts v6.1.2, Props v6.1.2, Modules v1.0.3, Part Switch 1.4.3) CapCom Mission Control On The Go v2.4 Community Resource Pack v0.5.4.0 Contract Configurator v1.15.5 Contract Pack: SCANsat v0.6.0.1 Contract Parser v4.0 Contract Reward Modifier v2.3 Contracts Window + v6.4 DMagic Orbital Science v1.3.2 Firespitter Core v7.3.0 HyperEdit v1.5.2.1 Interstellar Fuel Switch Core v2.1.1 MechJeb 2 v2.5.8.0 Mechjeb Embedded Universal (It's Free!) v1.3 Module Manager v2.6.25 Near Future (Construction v0.6.4, Electrical v0.7.7, Electrical Core v0.7.7, IVA Props v0.5.1, Propulsion v0.5.1, Solar v0.6.2, Solar Core v0.6.2, Spacecraft v0.5.1) Prakasa Aeroworks v0.5.0 Progress Parser v5.0 Raster Prop Monitor 1:v0.27.0 Raster Prop Monitor Core 1:v0.27.0 SCANsat v16.3 SmokeScreen Extended FX plugin Station Science v2.0 TweakScale - Rescale Everything! v2.2.13 If that doesn't help pin it down, I don't know what will.
  2. I'm having the same issue, as well. Another thread made mention of the missing IVA possibility, but like myself, the OP on the thread was missing the portrait from even stock modules with an assumed IVA capability. For instance the mk 1. will post a screenshot of mine here. http://imgur.com/gallery/rvSw3 Posted inline as well, and here's a link to the other forum post: Adding in some potentially useful details on my personal setup. Maybe there's a common element? I'm running: Operating System Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1 CPU Intel Core i5 2400 @ 3.10GHz Sandy Bridge 32nm Technology RAM 8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 665MHz (9-9-9-24) Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (EVGA) KSP version: Mod list: B9 Aerospace (Parts v6.1.2, Props v6.1.2, Modules v1.0.3, Part Switch 1.4.3) CapCom Mission Control On The Go v2.4 Community Resource Pack v0.5.4.0 Contract Configurator v1.15.5 Contract Pack: SCANsat v0.6.0.1 Contract Parser v4.0 Contract Reward Modifier v2.3 Contracts Window + v6.4 DMagic Orbital Science v1.3.2 Firespitter Core v7.3.0 HyperEdit v1.5.2.1 Interstellar Fuel Switch Core v2.1.1 MechJeb 2 v2.5.8.0 Mechjeb Embedded Universal (It's Free!) v1.3 Module Manager v2.6.25 Near Future (Construction v0.6.4, Electrical v0.7.7, Electrical Core v0.7.7, IVA Props v0.5.1, Propulsion v0.5.1, Solar v0.6.2, Solar Core v0.6.2, Spacecraft v0.5.1) Prakasa Aeroworks v0.5.0 Progress Parser v5.0 Raster Prop Monitor 1:v0.27.0 Raster Prop Monitor Core 1:v0.27.0 SCANsat v16.3 SmokeScreen Extended FX plugin Station Science v2.0 TweakScale - Rescale Everything! v2.2.13
  3. Have manually reinstalled this fork after 1.1.3; ckan for the rest of b9. So far, no major issues/crashes. Crossing fingers, will inform if something important/humorous happens ^v^
  4. Thank you so much for your quick and informative response, blowfish. Now I know the why I feel much better. Isn't that weird?
  5. Hey all... I'm new to the forums, so please forgive me if I mess up in etiquette. I'll try not to be an utter nincompoop. B9 Part Switch just updated - and according to blowfish's post on it, no real changes were made, just an updated version number so that ckan would recognise it as compatible. Since the posts I've been reading here seem to indicate that 1.1.3 doesn't seem to be an issue for it, is there a possibility for that kind of update with the parts pack? Slap a new version number on so ckan won't go apeexcrements anymore? Keep in mind, I'm aware of how much work goes into a proper new version. I would never whine for one - you guys work your butts off getting them out to us when you do. If you see this as the same thing, then please let me know, and I'll sit back and shut up. Promise ^v^
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