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Everything posted by Cavinaar

  1. I don't know if this is a bug or not, but I am having an issue with some of the Karibou rover parts. Almost every part that has the 'landing legs' starts out deployed when I add it in either the SPH or the VAB. I have to right-click it and click 'deploy' before 'retract' is available. Then when I 'launch' it, the 'landing legs' are deployed again, and once again I have to click 'deploy' then 'retract'. It does this every time I launch it, even if I have added it to another craft for actual launching. I have made a video showing the issue. Yes, I know the rover is not particularly useful, and the back is set to low but it isn't a rover I am actually going to use anyway. I threw it together only to show the issue. https://youtu.be/O29Gc6boKys
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