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Everything posted by Cavinaar

  1. I don't know if this is a bug or not, but I am having an issue with some of the Karibou rover parts. Almost every part that has the 'landing legs' starts out deployed when I add it in either the SPH or the VAB. I have to right-click it and click 'deploy' before 'retract' is available. Then when I 'launch' it, the 'landing legs' are deployed again, and once again I have to click 'deploy' then 'retract'. It does this every time I launch it, even if I have added it to another craft for actual launching. I have made a video showing the issue. Yes, I know the rover is not particularly useful, and the back is set to low but it isn't a rover I am actually going to use anyway. I threw it together only to show the issue. https://youtu.be/O29Gc6boKys
  2. Weird, Youtube says it is set to public. Edit: I've fixed the privacy issue.
  3. I'm having a bit of an issue. Rockets, Planes...heck even jenky rovers are all pointing themselves prograde no matter what I do. This is making flying planes pretty much impossible and rockets I can do but it's a fight. With planes, it even points itself prograde before the engines are even fired (still on the runway just dropped). Literally the whole plane turns itself (not just steering itself that direction, the whole plane literally slides over as it's turning). Video of what's happening on the runway. Installed Mods: - K.E.R. - [x] Science - For Science - Science-Full-Reward - Squad and the module manager files that come with them, of course. That is literally my entire mod list on a fresh install.
  4. Steam Link to screenshot. Flight took a LOOOOOOOOONG time, but I made it!
  5. I have several saves and would like to have certain mods load on one save but not another (such as loading more science-based mods on my science save, less on the career mode, but more contract-based mods). Not sure if this is even a possibility (I'd very much like to avoid having several installs of the game as my SSD only has so much space).
  6. Brought the Minmus lander down to gather some science, then re-docked with Minumus Station One and tossed the science into the science bay. Worked on a rover to go rescue Mogee from the surface of the Mun (landing struts gave a bit too much on landing a blew up the engine). Will also be constructing a new Mun lander for Mun Orbital Station (Will likely be doing a variation on the Minmus lander), also need to construct a huge refueler to refuel the five stations I have orbiting Kerbin, Mun and Minmus.
  7. I currently use KER simply because I don't have to switch between map and flight screens just to check my periapsis on launch. It is also helpful to have my orbit info all on one screen. Basically I only go to the map view to put in maneuver nodes. Haven't used MechJeb yet and from looking at various screenshots of it, I doubt I ever will. If I wanted to play a game that is just looking at readouts and clicking buttons, there are likely tons of games that are just that. Sorry, but I like seeing the game not just a bunch of readouts. However, all that is just my opinion.
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