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Everything posted by NIN3

  1. Congradulations! -NIN3 Twas here-
  2. This plugin is awsome! Ima use it to move my rovers on the moon (using anti grave devices)
  3. Granted, but Im made of rubber so it dosent affect me. I wish the next person was hit by a train whilst typing.
  4. Granted, but your famous for all the wrong resons, and hung for it. I wish that I was made out of rubber. (dont ask me why)
  5. Ello! I hope you enjoy working on KSP, the best game ever!
  6. Congradulations! I hope one day I can join you!
  7. Roses are white, Violets are white, WTH ARE YOU DOING JOEY? YOU WERE SUPOST TO COLOR THAT PICTURE! NOT PLAY KSP! (I love caps lock.)
  8. Im on roblox, but I havent touched it in months. (same username) I hate that game. they dont even have a real forum.
  9. LOL! I just finished doing that to my old computer/trojan infested hunk of fail.
  10. Tonight, i better get out my telliscope/camera combo attack. get some pics.
  11. tip#4) If you press the lanch button, and nothing happens, dont let your freinds go charging up to help you. (mine did. told them not to. and it blew up in there faces)
  12. I cant get the submairn pack to down load...... darn....
  13. 01011001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110010 01100100 00101110 00100000 01000001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101111 01101100 00101110
  14. my pH is 7 (proabbably not what you ment) Someone with a really long rocket picture shall post next.
  15. Runs fine on my 2 boards ducktaped togeather with a wire sticking outgood computer.
  16. OMG!?!?!? WHAT IS THIS BLACK MAGIC?!? You may have just got me hooked on this, dependning on how cool/crappy the demo is.
  17. Run! Run while you have the chance! Just kidding. Dont go blowing up jeb now!
  18. So I guess you can add ground craft, thanks to the new ground carts they made a plugin for. (heres one of mine. not that great)
  19. put the mun in the atmosphere! Make kerbin orbit the mun! Make 2 stars! Anythings possible when your an evil haxor!
  20. We all know that its impossible for man to have landed on the moon, becuase its made out of cheese! =P
  21. I would use spell check, but IE doesn\'t have it. Tis a pity, but I am unable to use the tool commonly known as 'spell check', as I do not have this tool, and am too lazy to obtain a copy of it, and so is Internet Explorer, so as thus I cannot use spell check and my posts will continue to burn your eyes out with bad grammar and terrible spelling mistakes that make you want to cry out and/or kill me very, very, very slowly. (oh wait, I have microsoft word )
  22. Canada is awsome. Night shift is awsome. Green skys are scary cool. But they dont alow cameras on the minesite.....
  23. NIN3

    Bad Jokes

    What did the fish say when the fisherman cought him? Nothing, fish cant talk.
  24. I was some what unliking of this from the begining, but after reading that, I really dont like whats going on. (time to go rip all the stupid posters off of the school walls)
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