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Everything posted by Fendrin

  1. Exactly the same here. Ubuntu 16.04, KDE, nvidia, 64bit. Every time I start KSP and a mod that uses Kopernicus is installed I get Kerbin (or better every body that is modified by Kopernicus mods) looking like in your screenshot. The solution is to go to the settings and just change the resolution of the texture. Apply it. Then change it back if you want. Exit the preferences and have fun.
  2. Hello @Galileo, like the mod very much, but there is a problem in my setup with it. Jool's Vall and Pol moons disappear. Meaning they are gone entirely, not only a graphical issue. Contracts targeting them throw an exception. I workaround by renaming the extension of the moons' config files. Any idea what happens with them?
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