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Everything posted by jnrobinson

  1. Is anyone with a less insane level of mods having the same problem that can help me out?
  2. Would you mind giving us a list of mods you have installed so we can try to recreate the issue and narrow it down?
  3. Eventually there will be some sort of attachable landing system that will accomplish this purpose
  4. LES is solid and also asymmetric in order to move the capsule laterally away from the exploding rocket. So not suited well for landing.
  5. There is a LES built in! Activate those SRBs (also make sure you have the included plugin installed properly)
  6. I would guess that you've either installed the included plugin improperly or set up your action groups/staging the wrong way. Maybe you've put the activate engines action under launch? Unable to replicate problem.
  7. My mistake. Released a new version that includes the 1k textures.
  8. Thanks, that seems to have fixed my problem. I also deleted my entire Unity scene and started from scratch just in case it had weird exporting settings, and now the bumps ingame match the normal map perfectly.
  9. I'm going to try this right now. Would you mind sharing what gimp plugin you used and any settings you changed? I tried smooth filtering too and it didn't change anything
  10. I'm importing a standard grey bump map and telling unity to create a normal map from grayscale. The only things I've changed from default is the bumpiness of the map - - - Updated - - - I'm using KSP/Bumped Specular
  11. Hello all, I've recently encountered a problem with my bump maps in which they look good when I place them in unity but horrendously jaggy once I put the part ingame. Here's a screenshot of the part in unity: And here's the part in KSP My import settings for the bump map are: Create from greyscale checked Filtering sharp Wrap mode Repeat Filter mode Trilinear Aniso level 1 Max size 2048 Format Compressed And I'm writinig to KSP with MBMs (but the same problem happens with all texture formats) Does anyone know how I can fix this? I've tried different sized bump maps and using a different program to convert the bump to a normal, but it seems like unity is just exporting horribly compressed textures to KSP and I don't know why. I also checked inside the MBM file and the normal map portion of the data is set properly.
  12. You were right. There aren't any quads, but there are a lot of edges really close together in a bunch of different areas. I guess Inventor probably isn't the best tool for modelling. I think I'd spend longer cleaning up the mesh than I would modelling in Blender to begin with.
  13. I don't think the mesh has any errors. The lines show up all around the model. I modelled this part in Autodesk Inventor, exported it as an STL, then passed it through blender to get it into Unity. I've tried exporting the STL at a bunch of different resolutions (from 800 to 4000 tris), but that didn't fix the problem. Here's a picture of my mesh, but I don't think it will be very useful because of the way I modeled the part.
  14. It doesn't happen in KSP/Diffuse or KSP/Unlit. Is it common to use diffuse instead of specular maps for KSP?
  15. No luck. When the model has about 2000 tris I just thinner lines. It's really odd because they show up in very specific parts of the model in a way that seems to defy logic.
  16. I have a lot of experience with 3D modelling, but this is my first time trying to mod KSP. I'm getting really weird reflections on my part when I apply edge smoothing with either blender (with the edge split modifier) or Unity. The issue is visible in both KSP and the Unity preview window. I'm just using a flat grey KSP/specular map right now. I don't think my mesh is too terrible, so I'm not sure what's causing the problem. The weird lines show up in places where the mesh is a lot simpler as well (like on the other side of the cockpit where it's just a cone) Thanks
  17. On the topic of hamachi, it seems that, when connecting to a hamachi server, one does not include the port after the ip address. For example, in minecraft, I connect to 5.xxx.xxx.xx, not 5.xxx.xxx.xx:25565. I imagine the same thing applies to kessler. However, if I set the port value to blank, kessler gets mad at me. Is there any way to not have a port included in the address?
  18. Also, anyone have any luck running this with Hamachi? I have the jar running on a Linux server running hamachi but I\'m getting timeout errors although I\'ve set my ip address in the config file to the proper ip.
  19. Excellent work. Btw, you forgot to add '-jar' in your linux/osx command for the client.jar. I believe it should look something like: java -cp kessler -jar kessler/client.jar etc.
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