I've tried searching all over google, different mod websites, and so on, trying to find if a mod that adds a cargo bay with slots for things like escape pods exists. It would be like a normal fuselage/ fuel tank, but when deployed, a thin wall slides down and reveals the slots with the pods in them, in which the pods are then fired out of, thus escaping from the ship they launched from. An example of what I'm talking about (and where I also got the idea from), is in the beginning of Mass Effect 2, when the escape pods are launched from the burning Normandy Sr-1:
If this has been asked before, I'm sorry about that, and all you have to do is tell me and I'll take this down. I've just been looking all over and can't find anything, not even posts, resembling what I'm asking. And if a mod like this doesn't exist, could someone be nice enough to take a crack at it, if it's at all possible? I would love feed back on this, as I think it would be a nice edition, because it could even be used for things other than escape pods, and it would also be nice if variable depths were available, and if the ejection force could be set.
If you need further information on what I'm asking, I found a video that shows what I'm talking about, and the link here will start you at the part (which only lasts 8 seconds) that shows what I'm talking about.