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  1. For PS4, how to you delete parts in the VAB? Instruction to tell me how to flip things, add things, but nothing how to remove or trash a part. Can someone enlighten me how to do this?
  2. More excuses. If you are incapable of producing something, then don't bother trying. Half-assing something is worthless.
  3. How expensive it is for an update is entirely irrelevant to a customer. Maybe had Squad provided the customer with a finished game originally, they wouldn't need to concern themselves with the cost of an update.
  4. And they will continue to do such because there is no accountability for neither Squad, Flying Tiger, or Blitworks. They have your money, and know that you will continue to sit and sit and sit, so there is little incentive for them to get anything out to us. Maybe it would be a good idea for all console owners to submit reviews to the BBB. Get their attention that way because they honestly have no interest in giving a legit response.
  5. "being worked on" Doesn't mean much when we've been waiting over a year for something worthwhile. Maybe there should have been a $30 refund as a "good faith return" while they produced a playable game (they get to keep $10 of it the original purchase)?
  6. And a shock, the Thursday announcement was a waste and the console game owners are treated as the red headed step child again.
  7. I have been doing a lot of reading on the site about transfer windows when going beyond Minmus, but one thing I've noticed was a lot of people were using mods on their PC in order to know when the appropriate time was to utilize these windows. Since the mods (like Kerbal Alarm Clock) can't be used on the consoles, how does one go about finding these transfer windows and be able to utilize them?
  8. I know that getting readouts of DeltaV and TWR are mods for the PC versions, but is there any consideration/plan of how to add this to the consoles? Honestly, I think it would be best if they were part of the game to begin with, and based upon the mode you pick for career, you get the option of having them or not (Normal - Gets both; higher difficulty gets option to use them). I understand there are differences with the PC version and the Consoles, but this is something that would be HUGE to know in the game on every version and would certainly help rid me of the annoying trial and error.
  9. My question is rather simple, but I can't figure out the button combination. For a rescue mission, I am within 2km of the stranded ship, but I don't know how to make the stranded kerbal get out of their ship. Watching a scott manley episode, he says how to do it with a keyboard, I need to know how to do it for a ps4. How do you switch control?
  10. I preordered the limited edition of NMS about 6 months ago on amazon long before I knew about KSP. However, my NMS arrived on Tuesday, and it hasn't even been opened yet. There is just something so addicting about the trial and error of KSP that keep you stuck to it. There are times when I just shut it off while cussing and yelling, and then times like yesterday, where I finally got our dear Bob Kerman to the Mun, orbited it, and then successfully made it home with 175 science, which makes you just stand up and cheer. Is NMS great? No idea....for now, Jeb is preparing for a Mun landing.
  11. Oh no...whatever will you do with that $40....
  12. Does anyone know if you can take a save file for a PS4, and copy it to an external HD?
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