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Everything posted by Spricigo

  1. To calculate angle phasing between both orbits we use Kepler Laws. Was about to say there is no shortcut... However more accurate to say that is the shortcut .
  2. What they said. You need upgrade SPH to get action groups in career mode.
  3. Solar limbo However this challenge was But there is some discussion about getting close
  4. Maybe you consider KRASH clean enough. (However it only allow simulation starting from launchpad/runaway, autor sugest hyperedit to simulate test from different conditions)
  5. To find out you just need to unistall KER and try to reproduce the bug. Or look at mod's thread if someone else have a similar problem. BTW, can you launch it from the VAB and taxi to the runaway? No really a solution, maybe a workaround
  6. Actually the equation don't even consider position also. It only says how much [ship velocity] (a vector ) change based in [propellant exhaust velocity] (also a vector) . The problem with long burn it's that either -exhaust velocity it's not lined up with ship velocity, resulting in part of it affecting ship velocity direction. -exhaust velocity is lined up with ship velocity at all times but ship velocity is changing direction, so exhaust velocity it's not constant either. (part of the early burn will cancel out part of the later burn) Now you should notice that either way there will be some 'wasted delta-V'. And maybe you are asking why. The reason it's that gravity is still there and you still need to figth it's effects. As stated above, TRE don't account for gravity effects.
  7. Visual Remote Tech Planner for KSP Kepler laws Multiple satellite deployment is actually pretty simple, after the first satellite you want to phase out the next satellite by 360°/[number of satellites] repeat until all satellites are set. First thing to notice is: circular orbit are the special case where orbital velocity (as thus angle covered) is constant. While it's possible to calculate and setup a functional satellite network with elliptical orbits it's not so trivial. Secound thing to notice: Higher orbit means longer orbital period. We can conclude that from 2nd or 3rd Kepler law. So you can do the math (or make the tools available do it for you) or just use this guidelines to estimate your maneuvers. As long you don't mind to make adjustments it's not hard to eyeball your way in a good setup.
  8. Well, there is 3 points to address there. First : Tsiolkovksy Rocket Equation only account for the variation of velocity caused by propulsion. Was well explained above: there's drag and gravity to take in account. Secound: we are dealing with vectors. We need to take in account direction and orientation. If your exhaust vector it's not perfectly lined with your velocity vector part of the effect will be change in direction not intensity. (particularly common during less than perfect gravity turn and engine ginbaling to counter ship wobbling) Third: maneuvering takes time, and conditions may change during that time.
  9. Every time I read this I always wonder: from where? Anyways I'm just curious and usually it don't matter. In this particular case, looks to me that "add-on discussions" is a better place to talk about a way to mod kerbal's movement.
  10. Controls Tap B is delete LB/RB + Long Tap B is rotate mode LB/RB + Dead Left is Undo Hope this helps
  11. mmm, so as long as it load up I can switch vessels? I was under assumption that game counted stranded as "unowned", as thus wouldn't give me control, until I got much closer. I usually go for a very close rendezvous anyway, but good to know if I find myself short in fuel.
  12. Help with controls You need to rendezvous with the stranded ship, once you are near enough ( 200m I think, someone please confirm/correct me) change focused ship, then move the stranded pilot by EVA and return safely to kerbin. Hope this helps, since I play in PC I, fortunately, don't know much about messy console controls.
  13. How fast and high you are when decoupling? Horizontal flight or climbing? Are you using any mod? Also a few screenshots would really help people to visually what your problem is.
  14. I go along the lines of modular spacefaring system. Multiple launches are standard procedure for interplanetary missions. ( However small modules are often launched in batches.)
  15. If you will not do anything better with that money... Personally I always find better things to do with my funds.
  16. A quick Google search and found This finely crafted post, hope it helps. Also, seems to be something in the KSPedia also. If I understood it right you need to tap the Left Stick to toggle cursor, move your cursor to where you want a maneuver node and press the submit button (A? X? EJECT? I can only guess) . Also, as bewing said, you need to upgrade Tracking Station and Mission Control first.
  17. +1 to USI Life Support. Basically same reason tjt said. Also there is quite a bit of customization if you find the default settings too forgiving like I did. But that is what better suits my taste.
  18. You may also use a decoupler /separator to eliminate the extra docking port after use. Supposing you don't need/want to keep that part somewhere else.
  19. This. Easely done when orbital period is nicely displayed (mechjeb, KER, etc). After launching the first satellite just burn progade until you orbital period equal to 4/3 of satellite orbital period and one orbit later you will be back 120° behind the previous satellite.
  20. Gilly Rover? More likely people will think "why bother". However choosing good performance requeriments and design limitations that can be a interesting challenge.
  21. Well.. That was a rethorical question. I also think learning is fun, knowing how to do something is nice. However there is nothing wrong about mods. If there a mod that allows to deal in a different way with refueling (or any other game aspect) it's up to each one decide what better suit his tastes. In some sense it's not different from choosing among career, sandbox or science. Also one can choose an option and later change his mind and all is fine and good. (edited to make grammar/spelling not so shameful :P)
  22. Actually why not look at those mods rigth now? Manually transfer fuel is far from a critical skill or a difficult task.
  23. The answer it's still struts. Kerbal Attachment System let you place then while in EVA. Also worth mentioning: decoupling/undocking will break remove struts between the separated parts
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