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Everything posted by psalmoflament

  1. Sorry for taking so long to get back to you; been a busy work week. I'm getting the revert issue on all of the tutorials I've tried where it's been relevant. There was one exception I noticed, which was on the first one where you go into orbit. I made it into low orbit but wasn't going to make the goal, so I reverted and it worked from there. But every other time I've reverted I've run into the control lock. I checked to make sure it was still happening a few minutes ago, and it is. Here is my output log from that session. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3u0n3820i44ky2p/output_log.txt?dl=0 I'm not sure if you need any other logs from me or not. I haven't had time to do anything other than the tutorial, so I don't have a saved filed on the game at all. So just let me know if you need something else. Thanks for your help!
  2. Hi, I'm a new Kerbaler, just started yesterday. I'm working my way through the tutorials now, but I've run into an issue that is a bit frustrating. If I mess up on my controls by over rotating or something and get told that I need to start over, whenever I try reverting the flight back to the start, all my control keys go unresponsive. I can still rotate the viewer, use Esc. and what have you, but throttling and anything of the sort stops working. I have to end the scenario completely and then re-enter whatever training I'm in to be able to do anything. Not a huge issue obviously, just something a bit annoying, as the revert feature appears to be pretty useless entirely for me at this point. Was wondering if I missed a setting somewhere, or if there is some interaction with my lap top (Dell Latitude E6430, Windows 10) that I'm unaware of that is causing this to bug out. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
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