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Everything posted by jackdown

  1. Started to dislike new buyonacy model, for me its like FSX with no crash option checked..
  2. Ending my KSP-boring-me episode and slowly resuming NorthKerbal space program.
  3. removing rescaleFactor line form part.cfg makes the trick. Thank you very much!
  4. Hello, i have trouble to get part from blender-unity to ksp. I am new at blender, so i am happy, its loaded into game but the scale is my enemy I made following 1)set blender to use metrics-degrees-scale 1.0 2) made model in blender 2.71 and export it as fbx file. its simply fuel tank with 1m diameter. 3) import to unity model shows scale factor 0.01, so i changed this to 1. 4)write part with partools. 5) when i add part in VAB, it has slightly lower diameter than stock tanks, ass u can see on screenshots. Can anybody tell me, what i am doing wrong? Thanks in advance
  5. well, basically it long range utility vehicle, here shown without KAS crane. Seat on the tank is for crane operator, after the fuel is out, it can be safely fired away. And the radials engines played here the role of testing bed for this baby stability troubles * : * /and it helps to keep this at the ground at higher speed/ : short video of test launch : useless for now, i know, but got little bored of space station building missions..
  6. ty:) this will hopefully be next...after "slight" modification
  7. ..but i finally landed there in one piece
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