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Everything posted by Seeri

  1. its become more of a bug and i think its a bug in code....i have found out, that wenn i can change the techtreenode some of the part become doubles... i would only test the rendevous part and have change the rockettree. The doubles i found are Propulsion control Module, Orbital Manouver Autopilot, The Orbit Autopilot and Orbital Match Velocity Autopilot. may they are still more. After this i try to test the system... but i have troubles in Launch (engine Shutdown) and by rendevous. After this i become mad and now i think the idea is great but it need more time for tests an bugchanges for stability. For now i let do your work and hope to enjoy this mod for later.Thank you
  2. Thanks for your work on this mod. But i found somethink weird, when i try to change the techrequired nodes. After a clean restart of KSP the change in my cfg works fine. But if i use the Database Reload Funktion from ModulManager the techtree in R&D becomes empty. Other changes with @TechRequired with other mods works fine.
  3. Thanks for your great work here. I enyou many of your mods. But there is a little Problem between GCMonitor and ModuleManager. If you use the ReloadDatabase-Funktion then starts an new Instance of GCMonitor. There is no Check if GCMonitor already run.
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