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Space Kadet

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    Deceleration trauma specialist
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    Explosions, crash landing and base building

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  1. just getting back to this and noticed a weird bug in game where tourits in the callisto crew or docking modules dont complete their contracts. like orbit kerbin, or suborbital. I havent the first clue how to track whats missing, but if someone can tell me i can try to track it down ksp log https://limewire.com/d/d2f2c0ad-8e5f-49fc-a958-409486b306fd#2Rb67H80OIzgVuPsdTE5x6hFELAqUGNXlbxmL8kNn8o
  2. Heloo, long time no spreken. Im trying to get this all up and runningagain, @JadeOfMaar you have done some increadable things with OPT, But i got stuck on the Valkyrie tilt engine. I have it stuck where its using LFO but when it swtiches modes it wants hydrogen and air instead of liquid fuel. Ive spent a day so far and cant narrow what mod was causing this, where should i be looking?
  3. Wied flex but ok. For me at launch , litterally the hour it launched, i9 11900 with a 4090 and 128gb ram was sitting at under 18fps all the way to almost space the ship was capsule chute tank and engine. and the reason i didnt get there was the capsule and engine came away from the tank for no reason before the crash. ironically the other rig i have runs just 3 fps slower and its an i5 11500, 32gb and a 2060 super. the fps isint tanking because of the parts, nor is it tanking because of the power of the pc, its tanking because of bugs in the KSP 1 code the copied and didnt understand to do with the rendering of the ground. the problem is that that bug was visible in the pre alpha footage that was released years ago, and if they havent fixed it in 3 years thats a scary image of how little effort was being put into KSP. Couple that with the money grab of asking full price for a game in this state, specifically against steam rules, that shows a dead horse being flogged for all its worth. then the 'slow down' of updates, on a game that specifically they do not leagally have to update for the players.... what was made and sold sofar is what people paid for, no more. and it needs an extremly highend pc to be bareable. Ill admit i dont know how it runs after the patches because i refunded that game after 3 hours of trying to get to space with everything falling appart, crashing to desktop, or more kracken hits than my entire time in KSP1 which is in the 10's of thousands of hours. but looking at the comments below every steam update, it aint getting better for most.
  4. thats not an explination of why a blatent bug from 3 years before launch was still present. and saying 'oh now you have noticed we will make it newier and prettier' after 3 years of them supposidly playing the game every day and not seeing the several bugs it causes..... but its not like they launched the game in that state at full price....
  5. that statement is kind of like me saying my grandmother whos been dead for years 'has some health problems'.... i've tried this on i5 11500, 2060super with 2gig and got 15 fps at launch, ive then tried it on both i911900k 4070ti 64gig. then i9 13900k 4090 both 64gig and got 15 to 18 fps at the same place. I built the big rigs specifically for ksp. can you explain why there a 8 fps difference between your below minimum spec laptop and my rigs? Aslo why the fps problem that was blatent in the pre alpha footage is still present 3 years down the line?
  6. jusr round at me mates and these definatly arent fixed in the new version
  7. thats dopamine of the sniney new thing, the basis for capatalism :p
  8. i did buy it, and then tried to play it, on 3 seperate machines, and got more bugs in 2 hours that the first 3 years of ksp. i then returned it. never been so dissapointed in a game, and i played dark void on release day!
  9. your analagy is wrong, the same issues are that far appart as 2 tyres deflating. this is 2 cars that look the same like a ford fiesta mk4 and a masda 121, and they both have the same issue where you put in the key, they start the same and then without doing anything the engine starts knocking and you loose power. They are related because so much is the same. As pointed out, just from a buisness perspective if you have a game and you want to make a very similar one but better, it makes no sence at all to ignore the previous games code. And then we have the fact the overlords are T2 games, u think they care about artistic vision....
  10. thats weird man, i tried on an i5 with a 2060s, and 2 i9's one with 4070ti and 1 4090. all absolute crap14/15 fps on the first and the other 2 16/17fps. and bugged up the wazoo
  11. i didnt say they started off with a clone, i said they didnt start at zero, which is what above was trying to say with the baby analogy, because thats what the developers kinda claimed, which is nonesence. And im not saying they started their development with a clone. Im saying all the source code was available from the first game, then the mod code was fingertips away, most of it easily viewable on github or by request because we are all fans and want an epic ksp2. But with all those resources, this is what they released in 4+ years.
  12. serious question whats your hardware and fps? and any issues with save and reload? so if you arent qualified you dont know anything? and again, none of what i mentioned was in any of the warnings! But to answer the question BSc Hons in computer science with AI from glasgow, cisco and ms certs, worked in industry for over a decade programming and appdev, before i sacked it all in tobe an outdoor instructor and now i drive forest machines, ponsse mammoth being the shiney new one at my place. Oh and started my qualifications the same year paisley uni in scotland (down the road from where i was) made the first ever computer games development course in the uk, that every single person failed to get a job in the industry from (2001). If you noticed my problem isint just what they did or more accuratly havent done, its also that if you understand the problems like some of us do, you can see a major issue with a game in a sorrier state thatn fallout 76 at launch with some serious issues that , again, are core issues that cant easily be fixed at this stage. couple that with what you term 'a bit expensive' an early access game thats over double the price it should be and the bigger picture becomes clearer. it litterally says this in the steam early access documentation Early Access is a place for games that are in a playable alpha or beta state, are worth the current value of the playable build, and that you plan to continue to develop for release. Is it worth 50e if they do nothing else to it. No, then it shouldent be that price, and in its current state it shouldent even be on steam. The fact it is shows its a money grab, and with T2 rolling back development on everything, and KSP2 failing at 'launch' the future is bleak. Aside from the youtubers that need ksp for their channel and people here denying the issues, the people i know returned it, because as someone sort of mentioned above why pay 50 for a game that is in such a state that they will have to drop the price and by then it might be decent.
  13. i would appreciate of you not make personal attacks like that. i dont know what actually happened in the room, i do recognise the specific physics bug thats causing the framerate issue, it was a mods interaction that would cause it . A specific bug from ksp thats in ksp2 when the new one turned on the same thing that modd did. plus the same memory leak killing saves that was in ksp1...... id bet the farm theres ksp code in there. never mind that if there was actually no code in there it would be the dumbest buisness move ever, why remake whats already there. this is take 2 after all.
  14. they didnt start from scratch there was a full game that they have taken large sections of code from. i know both what they said and what actually happened. they where 8 months pregnant going into this. thats like saying a new cod game was started from scratch.
  15. you lost me on that last one. the first part, i had all those problems in the first 2/3 hours of playing across 3 pc's. i left the armosphere once! the 2060 and 4070 are my current builds i play games on the 4090 is one i had there for someone else, all ran crap same bugs across all platforms, theres also both windows 10 and 11 in there no difference. 9 couples do make a baby in a month if one couple was 8 months pregnant when they started the timer. a full game and a mod for everything they advertised, mods that are far better in most ways. Thats where they started, with the game already existing. true, and in the eu theres precident that if an eula contains something thats illeagal the whole thing is void. But it speaks to the company. they arent trying to make a great game and give everyone the same experiennce, they are trying to get as much as possible from as many as possible. also this boilerplate eula was only updated recently and hadent been changed in years. fromt the other games, so although its 'boilerplate' they changed it with ksp2 specifically in mind
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