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Everything posted by SniperSR25

  1. I just reinstalled KSP on my PC (I deleted all old files and started fresh as they day I first got it). I play on the highest graphic settings and started noticing this after I started a new game. Here is a short video I just took. As you can see, on the SRB, there are shadows that are moving/crawling in an upwards-right motion. It seems to happen when the sun hits it. Towards the end of the video, I change the time of day (by fast-forwarding) and you can see it is still flickering but on the other side of the SRB. I think it has to do something with the sun. I've tried different combinations of graphic settings, reinstalling the game on a different HDD, verified files, etc. and nothing is fixing it. I run a vanilla up-to-date version. Also, I don't think this ever happened before. Either that or I'm noticing it just now (266 game hours later) Lastly, I posted this on the Steam forums but I got only one response (which told me to post this issue here). P.S. Sorry for not so great quality, didn't check settings (on OBS) before recording. - Windows 7 (64-bit) Ultimate - KSP running the 64-bit version (vanilla, current version) - 32GB RAM - EVGA GTX 980 Ti 6GB DDR-5 Superclocked ACX Steel Back Plate (running latest Nvidia driver, tried older drivers, no fix) Thanks in advance
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