I'm running sandbox mode, and as I said, when it crashed it didn't generate the crash logs so I can't actually send anything, but if you want the mods, here are the titles of the folders in my gamedata:
000_USITools, B9_aerospace(_HX/_legacy), B9AnimationModules, B9PartSwittch, BahaSP, BDarmory, BurnTogether, CivilianPopulationRevamp, CommunityResourcePack, ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads, Firespitter (the one included in quiztech aero, not the one you included), FShangarExtender, IRsequencer-1.0-Final, JSI, KAS, KIS, KerbalJointReinforcement, Kerbaltek, KIS, Klockheed_Martian_Gimbal, LLL & LLL-Extra (the ones you posted), MagicSmokeIndustries, PrakasaAeroworks, QuiztechAero, Smokescreen, Tweakscale, UmbraSpaceIndustries, and ModuleManager 2.6.25
Some of those mods are outdated, but I either updated them myself for personal use or am using a beta version from one of their respective forum posts