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Everything posted by MarlboroMan

  1. That looks suspiciously like my old death star. Glad to see it's still around.
  2. So I'm a little annoyed (at myself for not searching better) to find @Mike-NZ has been through all this a over year ago in this thread. Especially after I asked specifically in the other ISS thread. At the same time I'm pleased that he has done an epic job and there are more parts and it's easier to build. It still needs a few pieces fixed for 1.2.1 and RO so i'll go ahead and do that unless i hear otherwise.
  3. I've PMed Dragon01 @superdavekerman The ISS PMA (Pressurized mating adapter) is compatible with the standard docking port so would be easily mated to @raidernicks parts. If I don't/can't get BobCats blessing to update his parts i'll remove them altogether. edit:Everthing behind PMA1 is BobCats, that includes Zarya and Zvezda modules.
  4. ISS Community Project Revived [Download link removed for now] Recommended Mods Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Known Bugs Soyuz parachute has major issues----Recommend using stock radial parachute for now This was way too good of a mod to let die. I have only edited config files to make it work in KSP 1.2.1, mainly the attachment nodes. There is still a lot of tidying up of the config files, categories are a bit all over the place. I'm happy to continue working on this if im not in violation of any rules by doing so. RO support is planned when it is updated. The original license for the ISS community project is open to tinker and redistribute, the BobCat content may be in violation, if it is i'll regretfully remove it. Original thread
  5. Get you rescue ship closer before you eva. 3 minutes is plenty of time. Park your rescue ship 10-20 meters away, to eva that distance should take no more than about 20 seconds.
  6. I'm glad I could be useful. Finished finding, downloading, understanding and installing all these mods manually. If I can be any more assistance giz a yell. Getting right back into KSP after 3-4 years not playing much. Flew my shuttle Elmo from pad to ISS orbit to ground again today using the new install. DREC works perfectly now, SSME's started getting hot during re-entry, temp gauges came up but no fireballs or explosions now. This makes me a happy panda. Touched down in southern Georgia, I'm still trying to nail that target at KSC.
  7. Sure dude. Bazinga That is one very large txt file. Let me know if you find anything interesting, you already have a link to my MMcfg from the other day before i updated to compare it to. It may not have been RO, at the same time RO was updated i updated CLS,Smokescreen,TACLS ROconfig and Vens part revamp. FYI they were updated thru ckan. I'm on a mission to install all my mods manually atm.
  8. Thank you. They'll have a reason. ckan is brilliant, i liken it to the app store for ksp mods. It doesn't work perfectly but it does work very well. IMO i'd be quite happy to pay for an official KSP app store where mods were checked and it all worked seamlessly for installing mods. doing it manually with over 50 mods some dependent on others etc can be a headache.
  9. Shoulder yaw and elbow pitch will operate into the negatives but cant set a preset in the negatives. Any chance we can get RO compatability? As far as I can tell it all works fine, it just doesn't consume electrical charge and the parts are labled "non RO"
  10. I'm changing my RPM install from ckan to manual. What is the difference between RPM and RPM Core that ckan installs? I've downloaded RasterPropMonitor.0.27.0.zip is that all I need? Using it on RSS-RO if that matters. Thanks.
  11. RO recently updated itself. I've only had one game since I updated but it appears it fixed my re-entry problems.
  12. Thank you. edit: The way you worded that made me think you meant RO modifies the config file itself. I just checked and it indeed does. I was about to pull the config out of my ckan install and replace it manually but RO sorts it all out when the game starts.
  13. I installed RO and TACLS through ckan. Among a plethora of other mods. Ckan downloads and installs an additional RO config file "KSP\GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\PluginData\TacLifeSupport\LifeSupport.cfg" I am now installing all my mods the manual way. Can someone please confirm that this config file is the only change i need to make to the standard TacLifeSupport-0.12.2 install when using RO. Thanks.
  14. Last re-entry i did earlier went great, things got hot but the only thing that exploded were the bottom two shuttle main engines. I have a procedural wings flap protecting them that needs tweaking I think. I'll fix that flap and have another go with the difficulty cranked back up and report back. Is there any info in particular you would like to see? Hard to read anything in the debug window atm as it's getting spammed by TAC. Edit: Here's a couple of screenshots from the other night with convection factor set to 7.0 there may be some useful data there for ya. Re-entry #1 Things starting to heat up Re-entry #2 Many parts have exploded (fore rcs, nose cone, fore wings, bottom SSME's)
  15. So 7.0 is the default convection factor in the stock game? The soyuz was an example, my space plane now re enters easily, I can crank the difficulty setting back up from 10% (10% was impossible with convection factor of 7.0) Orbiting over home (large image) I'll go check out the RO thread thanks.
  16. Fair enuf. I checked my "clean" install and those setting are the same in there,is the convection factor suppose to be 7.0 in the standard game and is DREC or RO/RSS suppose to change that? I have copied and modding my Steam version of 1.1.3. I moved the convection factor slider down to 1.7 and had much better luck, the soyuz heatsheild still depleted to zero and exploded before i got into the thickest atmo, but nothing else did unlike before (so that heatshield might not be configured properly). I will test with my space plane soon which had massive overheating issues before. If by correcting that convection factor solves these problems, how do I save that value so i don't have to change it every time i restart the game. thanks
  17. I have the same settings in my thermal settings window. KSP 1.1.3 RSS and RO installed from ckan. Even with re-entry settings at 10% and trying varies Pe from 400km, pretty much impossible to avoid heat damage.
  18. So i read this entire thread before posting. I am very interested in building the ISS using RSS-RO, launching, assembling returning, the whole kitten caboodle. It's a shame the ISS and the other mods in this thread aren't officially maintained anymore and have been left to die. There aren't, (or i cant find) any accurate ISS mods for RSS-RO. The RO page links this mod in their recommendations. I am going to soldier on and try fixing what I can like many people here have done in the last year or so with mixed success. Even if I do get it working, it appears the truss system was always pretty bad. Is there any new projects for the ISS I should be aware of instead of trying to revive this?
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