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Everything posted by MarlboroMan

  1. What makes this mod so special that it gets pinned to the top of the forum, no disrespect but it's out of date and I can think of many other more worthy mods to go at the top.
  2. Does anybody have a good tutorial on how to use the PAL wheels. The interface to control the joints is so bad it makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a fork.
  3. Cheers, that was the problem. @RoverDude download links in OP need fixing. (spacedock in particular)
  4. Sure thing. I had a look under parts in the game console. 308 parts loaded, Looks like only stock plus a couple mechjeb parts.
  5. Yeah I was hoping I did something obvious like incompatibility with SVE. KSP 1.3 Mechjeb2 SVE ----EVE ----scatterer 0.0300 ----SVE 1.2.3 MKS USITOOLS Module manager 2.8.0
  6. I'm doin something wrong. I cant get this mod to work. I have mechjeb and SVE installed. First time run AVC told me to update usi tools. Game crashes during loading. Udated usi tools and I dont get any parts or anything from this mod.
  7. VRI stole it from me originally. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FbfzqoCzrc 110% sure that's my creation from like 3-4 years ago. I'm not upset he used it, credit would have been nice tho. As in the video linked above, my death star had a hanger bay you could land in.
  8. Oh my science this forum interface sucks. If you have the tail hook, you should have everything else. They're all in the same install parts folder and all appear under structural parts in the VAB/SPH. (Carrier appears under pods)
  9. @AndyMt Would you be able to add a list where we can save GT settings for a particular craft?
  10. Thanks @Phineas Freak and everybody else that created this. I also can't wait for RO.
  11. My pleasure. Yeah i've always had 2 monitors on my desk plus the telly. after my last pc upgrade a year ago i found i can connect at least 3 monitors into my gfx card and my telly into my on board gfx. Then thank science i found my Nvidia card can span 3 monitors to have a desktop resolution of 5040 x 1050 (3x 1680 x 1050) I can't put into words how lovely it is to have all my mechjeb and app windows to the side and my middle monitor clean so I can see my rocket. And it makes RSS shots like these nice Next I tried launching into 51.64 inclination. It undershot so I had to overshoot my target inclination, it also required a slightly more shallow accent.
  12. I tried GT on ksp 1.2.2 and RealSolarSystem_v12.0 I pinned the sensitivity (throttle) to 100% to see how it'd work on RO. After a bit of faff I've decided it should work fine just fine. Here are the settings I used for 1 click to orbit. (for this craft) The big pitch squiggles in the flight recorder at the end is just tumbling at the end of the burn. The automatic circulation burn (which I cancelled) was 2.2m/s One ignition per stage, as above throttle pinned at 100% all the way.
  13. Yep, Real Scale Solar System is done for 1.2.2 afaik they are hard at work on Realism overhaul
  14. That'd be fantastic. Yeah i read your op, and understand your mod is mainly using throttle to hit it's target. I frankly didn't expect you to be as welcoming as you are with the RO idea. RO mostly demands you build and launch rockets efficiently, so the margins for TWR and AOA are much lower than what you can normally get away with in stock. Most of my dialed in RO rockets follow a similar launch profile and never exceed 5 degrees AOA. I'm happy to help test in RO for you if/when it's needed. I will try your mod in 1.1.3 and report back. My guess is it wont work.
  15. Will this mod work with realism overhaul and FAR (when they get updated) with limited to no throttle, ullage etc?
  16. Thank you. Works like a charm. For future reference, what does this OLS.mu file contain? If i want to keep using a 10km ranged guidance system, how will this file effect future updates of your mod? Have you found a solution? I can confirm KAS will allow you to add struts to anything parked on the deck to secure during carrier acceleration like so.. You can also refuel your aircraft once linked to the carrier.
  17. Yes please, I'll totally try out a custom 10km guidance range. I just noticed you've updated the mod without telling us. Will try 1.1 later today and hopefully a development guidance system.
  18. So is that a no? How about integration with NavUtilities? It's not too hard lining up with the carrier to land, but instrumentation to line up 10 kms away would be very useful. 2kms is better than no guidance system, but too late if you are more than 20 odd degrees off the flight path. Speaking of the kraken, I spent a couple hours landing, taking off last night, a few times just before touching down, i had the carrier jump up in the air, flip round and destroy everything on the deck. Least best part of this mod is the catapults attraction. I hope you're working on it. Maybe a tweakable setting to reduce the attraction like you have for target velocity. Bigger planes aren't too bad, but light aircraft almost always get bashed up bad.
  19. Nice mod. How can we have the guidance system range increased? Is that something you can tweak or will it increase in range if I use that mod to increase physics range distance. I forget the name of it right now.
  20. Mechjeb has a CoM marker for external view I use regularly, unfortunately mechjeb isn't updated for 1.2 yet. Rasterprop plus vessel viewer will give you CoM on the dashboard in IVA mode. Not sure is they're updated yet.
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