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  1. I've gotten planes to work, just haven't been able to get to space with them yet. Not a bug preventing me from getting to space, just my designs. Yaw and roll controls are fine, but I need to work on pitch controls, secondary engines, a control group for switching engine types, fuel balance ( for primary and secondary engines) and not burning up on atmospheric exit. I take my time placing wheels and adjust if necessary, and fight the turning during takeoff. Possible workarounds, VTOL or move plane to top of hanger, add boosters and launch supports. Or make a space plane with a rocket assisted launch from the launchpad in the VAB.
  2. On Xbox here, so it should be the same, save for what the button is labeled. Butt I have a question regarding this. You have a Kerbal that is EVA, in orbit, on the Mun surface, on the side of a craft, ot even at KSC on the ground. Same concept to control them so they can board a craft? Had a craft on the runway that I built with no command module, just an external seat, tried the craft switch and couldn't even go to my rover (using that term very loosely) by using the key binding to switch vehicles, even with it being parked just on the grassy slope on the side of the runway as close as possible. So, space center and selected from there. Just trying to find out if it works with kerbals as well, to make it easier and a lot more efficient. Also, if there is a way to do that, then maybe I can test/have fun with an unstable contraption I made. Right now, it self destructs if I approach from too far after it loads in. I'll eventually fix it, but just want to do preliminary testing before I change it, if at all possible.
  3. It's been said, but I found out the warp function by accident. Was going to set up a maneuver node and saw the "warp to" button and got there pretty fast. For the lag issue, I've only encountered expected lag (Massively overbuilt rockets), and then the unexpected lag. The "unexpected lag" I encountered was after building multiple vehicles and only the VAB lagged, even when empty. Moving the cursor was slow and jumpy. Force close and reload fixed it for a while. Also, don't minimize the game and open anything else (game clip editor, game DVR, YouTube) then try to bring KSP back up. Cause game to remain laggy as can be until force close and reload. Other than that, I guess I've been lucky to dodge problems.
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