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Posts posted by RonnieThePotato

  1. 1 hour ago, Darnok said:

    There are only 3 dimensions and you can measure them. Fourth dimension is just concept invented by us to calculate some things easier.

    It is like in Pythagorean theorem, Pythagoras added one more dimension to be able to solve problem (single dimension problem). But his problem should be solvable with just single dimension, since he wanted to calculate length only. Other problems should be solvable with maximum 3 dimensions.

    Its all hypothetical, nobody knows if there is a fourth dimension or not, this I wrote the conclusion based on the hypothetical and theoretical knowledge that is known.

  2. I will attempt to explain the fourth dimension.

    First we must start at the beginning.

    I'd like you to meet a good friend of mine,

    Say hello to point.

    9108194-1457618060.pngHere he is! ^

    What can't see? I don't blame you, you see, point is invisible!

    Point is not even invisible, he is nothing, yet your standing on him!

    Point has many friends, they fill up everything. Everything! From you Phone to the Universe (which could be infinite as far as we know)!

    Nothing can fit inside point because point is nothing, point is the smallest of the small! Point is dimension zero!

    x = n/a y = n/a z = n/a

    Points are also the base of all dimensions, for example the second dimension. When points line up with no spaces in between then they make line!


    Line is one dimensional, still invisible though. You need at least two dimensions to see something.

    x = ? y = n/a z = n/a

    When these line up, we get a 2d figure, it can be a triangle, square, circle, you name it!


    See? It's just a bunch of lines on top of each other!

    x = ? y = ? z = n/a

    Now 2d lines up we get 3d!

    150px-Planes_parallel.svg.png Squares on squares...


    dado.svgMakes a a three dimensional figure!

    So, a 4d fiqure is jus a bunch of 3D figures lined up? Yep!


    Here ya go! The 4d cube, aka the tesseract. But how does a cube turn into this? Well here is the net,



    Net_of_tesseract.gif  This is 3D I know but we can't see four dimensionally, this is the closest we can get to see 4d.

    I wonder what it must be like being a four dimensional creature!

    Lets figure that out too!

    Let's  start at the beginning, 0D, well remember that I said nothing can fit in point? Let's go to 1D.


    1D creatures can move left and right, A to B, they can't see at all though, they see in 0D so they are blind. Time for 2d!


    2D creatures can move up down left and right and see one dimensionally.


    3d things see in two dimensional like us! Look at your hand it looks 2d, but the only thing that tells you that it is three dimensional is the light, you see the shadows! You can also flip your hand and see the other side! Let's say a stick was getting farther and farther from you, it looks like it's getting smaller, but let's say the stick was getting bigger as it went farther, you can still tell its farther because of shadow.

    now, 4d they can see 3D but how? Well they can see "through" 3D things using the fourth dimension. Lets speak 1d for a moment, let's say there is three points in a row, to get to the middle one, a 1d creature must break one point to get to the middle one, right? A two dimensional creature can use the second dimension to just go around the first point and get the middle dot. A 2d circle has a dot inside it, a 2d creature must break the circle to get the dot, you can remove a 2d dot from a 2d circle without breaking the circle using the third dimension, just go around the circle. A 4d creature can remove a box from a hollow sphere without breaking it using the fourth dimension which we don't know too much of yet.

    Lets talk shadows, 3D casts a 2d shadow, 2d casts 1d shadow, 1d casts no shadow, so 4d casts a 3D shadow, and the 3D shadow would cast its own 2d shadow. Yes you can grab a 3D shadow and spin it around and stuff. Another cool thing is, we draw on a 2d surface and we draw 2d things. 4d creatures draw in 3D! No they can't write in the air, air doesn't have  enough friction to rub lead of a pencil, but they write in a 3D surface so through anything 3D, in the middle of a 3D wall, inside some sort of 3D paper, anything! And they can spin their drawing around too! Yep pretty cool huh!

    Well I hope you got an idea on the fourth dimension. Oh and the fourth dimension is not time alright, time is in every dimension, I'll just call it the extra dimension. Thanks for viewing!


  3. I built the X-3 Stiletto in Kerbal Space Program.
    It is an old aircraft that worked in between 1952 to 1956.The X-3 Stiletto was manufactured by the Douglas Aircraft Company, It was designed to be very aerodynamic and to go past supersonic speeds, 2000 m/h to be exact.
    The craft failed to do what it was supposed to achieve, supersonic speed, but the information that was gained from it helped make some of today's military aircraft.   

    Here it is!


    The X-3 Stiletto in KSP



    Top View



    The real aircraft.



    On the runway.



    On flight.



    More on flight.


    The model I made, like the real aircraft, fails to reach supersonic speeds, it goes up to 213.3 m/s.
    Takes off at a speed of about 110 m/s which isn't that good.
    It can climb up to around 6000 meters in altitude with minor stalling.
    What surprises me is that it is very controllable and aerodynamic, despite its two small wings. It is only controlled from the rear of the craft, and a remote guidance unit. I had to make it very light and small for those small engines to be able to carry it into the sky.
    It can easily change its prograde which makes it a nice stunt plane and it just looks pretty cool!
    It is also EXTREMELY easy to land even though its two back wheels are not that spread out.


    Aircraft Information

    Crew Count:                              1

    Part Count:                              33

    Total Mass:                         4.717
    Fuel Mass:                              1.5
    Dry Mass:                           3.217

    Height:                                   3.7
    Width:                                    5.5
    Length:                                15.0


    Total Fuel Tanks:                       6
    Fuel Tanks Per Engine:             3
    Total Fuel:                             300
    Fuel Per Engine:                   150


    Total Engines:                          2
    Air-Breathing Engines:             2
    Liquid Fuel Engines:                0
    Total Maximum Thrust:       41.2



    I recommend trying it out yourself, its quite fun to fly!
    Craft File: https://kerbalx.com/RonnieThePotoat/X-3-Stiletto
    Tip: If the craft's landing gear explodes at take off due to stress, set the wheel's spring strength to about 0.75.

    Thanks for viewing! I hope you have fun with this craft!


  4.  Today (27 of July) I tinkered around with aeroplane parts, trying to build something with good speed and decent altitude, along with fuel efficiency.

    Of course when you want fuel efficiency and speed, you usually want something small, so thats what I went with.

    I also wanted something very controllable and eventually ended up with this,

    The FlyFish




    The FlyFish can go up to 365.2 meters a second, passing the sound barrier, though it is more stable at around 320 m/s or less.

    It can go up to 10,000 meters until it meets serious stalling. Recommended altitude is around 8000. 

    It is turns very fast, but due to that it is hard to make small changes; it is not as controllable, but I can be easily fixed with a remote guidance unit.

    Easy to land, hard to land In specific places. I had small troubles landing at the runway after testing.

    Wheels could use some adjusting due to take off issues.

    The FlyFish is very efficient, I landed near the end of the peninsula KSC is located at. Math tells me it could circumnavigate Kerbin.

    Do note that it cannot land on the sea, despite its name. It is named for its resemblance to the actual marine animal, the flying fish.


    With a few tweaks and checks this project will be completed.

    I would expect completion within a week or so.




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