Majorjim was spot on 21 July post. Thundering silence from developers. If somewhere I saw the Company saying "we have incremental updates planned, please be patient" Then I would be less annoyed at the glitches. And as I have said elsewhere, I had KSP on MAC and it was glitchy then (year ago?). So just comes across as greedy to put out a shoddy product and leave it to the Forum community to come up with fixes and work arounds. And given the number of glitches I have been seeing on Xbox I can only wonder (be amazed) at how strong the fan base is. I have to believe that an awful lot of folks love the idea of this game (like me) but unlike me turn a blind eye to the poor execution. Pay me today for operability (maybe) tomorrow...Just had an idea...they could reskin it and call it "Defense Contract Management Sim"
I will give it another month to see if progress is made or even promised. After that, I am just not geek enough to put up with the tiny fonts, quirky interface, random accomplishment recognition, etc etc.