Can anyone help me? I'm having trouble with the mod as it kinda works. When im in the SPH/VAB the parts show up but when i put them on and right click on them nothing shows up. When I fly the craft my ship floats in mid air even with the tracks and it dosint move. No animations happen either. Is there a way to fix this?
You might think I'm stupid for saying this but how do you create a planet. I have been looking everywhere for tutorials or videos but I can't find any or they don't work. Anyone have a solution?
Sorry but no it's not possible as you need to restart the game so that it refreshes and gives you the new properties that you put in
Btw sort off those things on the bottom I don't know how to delete them
Instal kerbal galaxy and in the planet config find Phoenix and look trough it's code because it has lava oceans. I dont know how to make rocky planets personaly. I have made two suns and a gasgigant no planets
I had an issue too about scattered and kopornicus as when I would go to a distant star or planet I made, the sun flare would glitch out and keep appearing and disappearing on an instant and when I removed scatterer it would stop