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Everything posted by teknofile

  1. Thanks, I'll play around with it some...I'm still learning the game, tbh. I was using a suborbital "hopper" to just jump over the survey point & grab the crew rep. I knew it wasn't efficient, but it worked & wanted to post my work around so anyone else on a console could know that it was at least possible to do w/o being able to set a target on the nav ball...even for a complete noob to Kerbin like me. (Actually, I almost like that I'm having to find solutions to problems like this...makes it feel more science-y, haha. ) It is my hope that an update will be released "soon" that will fix some of these things. I'm liking the game, but honestly I feel like the console version wasn't ready to be released. Several things either didn't get implemented or are functioning inconsistently. For example, several times I've lost the ability to set a nav point on my orbital path for no reason I could see, and I have to just quit, & reload the game to get that functionality back...that really, really needs to be fixed asap, imo.
  2. I know, but I don't have the req'd science to unlock the space plane parts yet. Thanks for the tip tho.
  3. Can't speak to PS4 status, but I can verify that, on Xbox, I definitely have no way to target the nav contract location so it shows up on the nav ball. In fact, I found this thread through a google search trying to figure out what I was missing with regard to finding the contract location. What klesh said above is accurate; no 'set navigation' button, just a blank "page" on click (or B button press in my case.) It is indeed "yicky" to say the least. However, I've found it is technically doable by toggling between map & rocket view to adjust trajectory and maneuvering till your flight path and contract location line up...or don't line up, in which case revert to launch and try again...and again.../sigh To anyone using this method: Remember to close the map and get the crew report before you overshoot.
  4. I think what sets KSP apart in that aspect is the difficulty isn't simply a function of the number of hit points an enemy has, so 'get gud, noob.' Instead, you must really think your way through the issue and, succeed or not, I come away feeling like I've really learned something. It's intellectually challenging, it's spacey, it's funny...I love it. A truly refreshing game, amongst the standard gamer fare. And thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. May all your flights be fun and your failures hilarious!
  5. Indeed, I already feel like that...only took 1 try to get back to Kerbin in the next training mission. (Well, honestly 2 tries, but the first try I blew up around 8k up from the surface of the mun for no reason at all that I could see. /shrug)
  6. I did it, I did it, I <insert whatever expletives you like> DID IT!!!! Sorry, but after banging my head against that diamond-titanium-concrete-reinforced steel wall till my skull broke and smeared it with gray matter I had to shout it out to someone. 8D Woohoooooo!!! Wow, that was a "training" mission? Picked it up a couple days ago for Xbox One and all I've done so far is the training missions and all of them up to that one were pretty simple. A couple took 2 or 3 tries, and I could see what I did wrong almost immediately, but getting in orbit of the Mun took me forEVER; a few dozen tries at least. About a dozen tries ago I'd decided the mission was broken and just plain impossible, but I couldn't quit even when I really wanted to. I'm not complaining, I'm liking the game so far and can see its potential already, even just from the training missions, but I don't think I've ever done anything harder in a game than getting that stable Munar orbit established and I've been playing computer games pretty much all my life...at least 30 years of it anyway. Yeah, I think I'm totally hooked on KSP. <3 My love to the creators. P.S. - to anyone looking for hints on the mission, the best advice I could offer is just keep trying (and make sure you do the previous training missions a few times till you're comfortable with all the things they teach you.) It IS possible and completing it successfully will teach you piles of things about the game (likely more than I'd remember to relate.) Best of luck to ya.
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