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Everything posted by Palaceviking

  1. I'd split it into 3 (potentially independent) modules and dock in Mün orbit then land- you may not make much profit this way but could be a good investment for the future as per @Spricigo says. Remember, your space program will probably span decades if not centuries.
  2. Got any ladders to attach Kerbals to? Edit, sorry missed the point, I think burn together mod will do this though and sounds like a proper kerbal activity!
  3. Looking through my install for a wench to fire, got community tech tree though, might nor have unlocked her yet.
  4. Take on one very ambitious contract at a time and work around that.
  5. Late game=return from eve. Edit: scrap that, late game = refuelling station on eve's surface to refuel my eeloo colony.. Because I can
  6. Hey, does anyone know of a rough n' ready way of getting deltaV without using ln, ie I just want to do it on paper and get an approximate Value??
  7. Is that not stock?(I don't keep track of my mods very well)
  8. I always try to orbit Kevin where possible. Otherwise yeah, even overpowered slightly methinks.
  9. P It's possible but, 1:first stage must make at least 75k apoapsis 2: burn back must start over 21 k 3: 2nd stage needs at least TWR < 0.8 4: the burn back and landing needs to be fast!
  10. Throw us some numbers (ls weight per day, mass of lander etc) and somebody will be able to help, although the flotilla approach does seem best in my experience.
  11. The reason the target drifts even though you seem to be at the same velocity is because of angular velocity around the curve of the planet, it's a terrible place to learn orbital rendezvous, too fast and too small. I've never done the tutorial but why would you teach docking in lko Darn it?!? Surely most if not all training should be around minmus? Dude, seriously, do yourself a favour and just forget that the training and scenarios even exist, the scenarios and training you come across in your own career game will be in a natural progression, (maybe) and the time you put in will feel much more rewarding when you get the green guys home safe.
  12. Or just save a butt ton of fuel for a very direct return? Oh and you'll need extra to slow down at kerbin if you do this..
  13. Well I'm determined to die out with hugely overengineered maximum cosine losses
  14. What I mean is all the planet /moon stats before you've researched ie: SOI,surface gravity etc
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