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  1. Was able to get `er going Was nothing but an altitude issue and wrong information. Thanks all, been most helpful. Now if I can only figure out how to get Outer Planets to go. Have a great day all.
  2. I agree I must be doing something wrong. Just wondering if any of the warp drive mods actually work on KSP 1.1.3. Spent countless hours using any of the mods out there. Does anybody have any images or downloads of crafts so I could do a comparison on what is needed to what I have at this time. Running FAR, Mechjeb and interplanetary mods. Thanks again
  3. Sorry if not posting in the right place. Total forum noob here. Not really sure how to make this work. Been playing ksp 1.1.2 for about 4 mths. I cannot for the life of me get this craft to warp. Tried so many combinations of components and not one of them seem to do anything? I know it's pretty vague to go with, any insight to those successful at this would be greatly appreciatied. I have tried IXS mod, warpdrive and countless others to see a warp bubble appear and....... Nothing! Thanks folks
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