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  1. Can I post here my best screenshots or is there another topic for it?
  2. Me refiero a que hago lo que me dices y me pone la versión 1.3.0.
  3. Es que me sigue poniendo 1.3.0
  4. me pone 1.3.0 ¿Cuando le doy a Add New a que le doy?
  5. Buenas a todos. Estoy teniendo problemas con el CKAN, ya que he desinstalado el KSP y CKAN, los he instalado directamente a la 1.2.2 pero el CKAN me dice que sigo jugando en la 1.3.0, lo que me impide jugar con los mods del RSS. ¿Alguna sugerencia? PD: Y sí, he desinstalado, reiniciado el juego varias veces pero nada y el CKAN también.
  6. So. It won't be updated to 1.2.2 at least? Or, is there a way I can play it in 1.2.2?
  7. I could change the version on CKAN to but it stills says 1.3. Anyways it seems to let me choose the mods and now appears are compatible.
  8. @DrLicor Uninstalled game, deleted folder, downgraded to 1.2.2, installed ckan and it doesn't work. I restart pc. I will tell you something in 30-40 mins.
  9. Why if I selected to play 1.2.2 I have on CKAN that my current version of the game is 1.3? I can't play RSS/RO because it says that I am playing version 1.3 when it is not true.
  10. Hey all. It's just a question, so I'll be quick. I installed RSSVE, but is it compatible with scatterer and planetshine? I found scatterer and planetshine by default, not rss configuration. So I am afraid of make my game crash or textures incompatible. Any idea?
  11. ¿Podrías pasarme el link de esos mods o tu gamedata? No está mal la variedad jaja.
  12. Me acabo de registrar ahora, aunque llevo unos cuantos meses con el KSP. Ahora mismo estoy con el RSS intentando llegar a la órbita. Y tú, ¿que mods tienes?
  13. @cratercracker Really worked art work. I think it should take you a lot of time. By the way, if you have time, can you add Deimos to Mars? I think it's the unique satellite isn't there (I don't mean all the satellites of Jupiter or Saturn).
  14. @Casualnaut Amazing, continue with another chapters! But just a question, why at the start of the text Jeb says he is not in orbit and at the end of the text he goes few hours of nap?
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