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Everything posted by nitebomber51

  1. Hey Man, the quoted text is the key area that we look at for a memory crash, As KSP is a 32bit executeable and unity does not really deal with memery buffer overflow well, but yes, this is a memory related crash. You have a fair few part mods installed so I suggest that you look into Active Texture Management Aggressive mode and forcing openGL mode to help lower memory usaage. If these methods dont keep you from crashing, there is a 64bit hack that you can use to lose the 3.5Gb limit, but this is an unstable and buggy hack that generally makeks any mod bugs even worse. if you wish to use the hack, there is alink in my previous posts. If you dont want to use a buggy build, you can use a virtual machine anda linux distro to use more than 3.5 gb with a less buggy build.
  2. I was afraid I would have to use linux for this, I've got a dualboot of GNUbuntu but I would prefer finding where ferram has disabled x64 support. I understand the instability of win64 unity players but I dont think modders should actively shun the use of an unstable project. On the other hand, I do enjoy being able to whirl kerbals around at 30kmASL at 6km/s xD
  3. So I was just curious to see if there is an easy way to re-enable FAR on x64 KSP, Ive grown accustomed to using FAR whilst I play KSP and with the current implimentation of FAR's Disabling Feature, It seems to disable all atmosphere completely. So I was just wondering if there is any way to re-enable FAR or atleast request for FAR to not be disabled when using x64 as I dont particularly want to have to uninstall my mods just so I can have an actual atmosphere.
  4. I understand how that could be taken as not distrubuting any part of the software, But I guess iits down to the interpretation of the reader, as I read it as the functionality of unity as a whole, not parts that are actively distributed during the sale of a unity project. Ill see if I can get in contact with unity's PR group and get a definitive answer.
  5. Could you please post a list of other installed mods as well as the particular subassembally files that youre using, this will help me to reproduce the issue. Thanks --Nitebomber EDIT: After some time playing with the subassemblies for a while, The only method Ive found of not being able to load a subassembly is if the craft file is in some way broken, such as syntax being incorrect or the craft file referancing a part that isnt present, Ive not been able to find a way of saving something to the subassembly and not being able to retrieve it, but I shall keep looking. As for adding something to the subassembly file structure and it not appearing, Try just reloading the VAB instance, It looks to me like youve saved it and not had the VAB instance reload the subassembly "Crafts". I await your reply.
  6. You can use a 64bit hack for windows KSP but it is not offically supported by squad and can cause some weird bugs, From my playing with it Ive found that it works pretty well but you sometimes get an unusual bug. You can read the whole thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117224-Windows-64-bit-community-workaround Or download this tool by Youen from https://github.com/neuoy/KSPWin64/releases But again, it isnt offically supported and can be buggy at times, and the bugs may not be related to mods.
  7. Could you please point out where in the agreements it states this. From my investigations, I have found that the next block of quoted text is the relevent section in redistribution. From this, I gather that only things that you make with unity, The functions of producing a product with unity, and other like activites are against agreement. But not taking a small componant from the build function. Eitherway, A tool is easier than downloading 1.6Gb of Unity just for a 64bit hack
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