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Tenebrous Nova

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Everything posted by Tenebrous Nova

  1. Ah well, it's only a minor issue and doesn't seem to affect anything else. I'm too used to OPM to remove it now and to be frank, your work is too gorgeous to remove either. I'll just convince myself that there's some sort of super dense population of nocturnal bioluminescent microbes living in Jool's upper atmosphere similar to Laythe that partly light it up, or some other atmospheric phenomena. It's not like anyone can prove that there isn't.
  2. It seems to be caused by OPM, not the SVE files! Odd. I took out both, which fixed it. When I put OPM back, the issue returned.
  3. Yes, I'm using Scatterer. The other relevant mods I have are the one that adds parallax effects to the terrain and Stock Visual Enhancement's effects for the Outer Planets Mod (I removed the rest of the mod) since few mods take those particular planets into account, Planetshine, Kopernicus, Distant Object Enhancement and DiRT. Thanks for the reply!
  4. Hello! First off, I'd like to say this is a gorgeous mod and does everything right without going over the top. I'm particularly pleased with the inclusion of effects from other graphical mods like the Moho ablation effect and Laythe bioluminescence. The only thing I've noticed that seems odd is the terminator line of Jool. I wondered if this could've been caused by other mods but it still seems to be present without them. You can see on the right that it's partly lit up on what should be the dark side. I've also noticed that when a moon goes behind the dark side of a planet, they look strange. In this case, Vall.
  5. I second this. I'm sure that you see this sort of post all the time Galileo, but I hope you realise how much your hard work is appreciated. This is definitely my favourite visual mod. I can't seem to remember which version this was from, when Laythe was more vibrantly coloured. It was honestly my favourite look for it, could somebody point me in the right direction? Thank you!
  6. I'm experiencing the same issue as Riftmann. The issue persists even when this mod and Kopernicus are the only ones present. Here is my GameData folder: And here are the log files. Wonderful mod by the way, I really couldn't imagine going back to the vanilla solar system.
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