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Brent Kerman

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Everything posted by Brent Kerman

  1. Does anyone have any workarounds for BARIS and ExtraPlanetary Launchpads? I found an old comment by Angel: But that doesn't seem to be true anymore. Every part, no matter how reliable, it at 5 when built with EPL. I will note I am running KCT, which removes integration in favor of it's own time, intended behavior. Does BARIS not work with both EPL and KCT? Makes using EPL impossible, as switching to the base I built because something broke every five minutes is not my kind of fun!
  2. I don't generally use tweakscale for my harder games as it's easy to scale up to sizes you haven't unlocked yet, minimizing that kind of thing. Also, at this point I havn't gotten to the RC-001S yet. If you read back comments, most of it. And no, that adoption request was posted after I asked here (Thursday is before Saturday), hopefully that goes through. (Pre-post Edit: Looks like it is.)
  3. I've searched all over and cannot this anywhere, which is surprising as I'm sure I'm not the first to want this. A 0.625 Experiment storage unit that is a probe core with battery, reaction wheel, prograde/retrograde SAS, and parachute that one could stick a 0.625 heat shield on to return science experiments. I found one mod, https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/143414-121-mini-sample-return-capsule-bring-your-experiments-home-safe-v12-9nov2016/ but it's out of date and broken. I also found BDB and MOLE have similar (Corona), but they are both massive mods, I'm looking for something to just stick in any game. Anyone know of such a mod I've missed, and if not, could it be made?
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