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  1. I actually just started a career to test this tree, and I'm using both kOS and RemoteTech, and yes, many of the parts are clearly in the wrong nodes currently. I might chime in on GitHub, though I haven't had the time to take a look at your commits yet. GitHub was in it's infancy when I last did any serious software development, so I've never used it. Time to learn. Regarding RemoteTech: Offhand, I can only say that RTShortDish1 is a legacy version of RTShortDish2, and has the same stats.These should probably go in the same nodes. Likewise RTLongDish1 is a legacy version of RTLongDish2.
  2. Hi, First of all, very promising looking tech tree! I'm always looking for ways to organize my weird collections of mod parts. I see you've included kOS parts in the .cfg, even though there's no mention (that I can find) of support for the mod. They're kind of all over the tree since they use the stock tree nodes. I think the "4 Bit Computers" to "SuperComputer AI" branch would be perfect for them. My humble suggestion: 4 Bit Computers: kOSMachine1m (CX-4181 Scriptable Control System, stock tree science cost 45) 8 Bit Computers: KR-2042 (KR-2042 b Scriptable Control System, stock tree science cost 160) kOSMachine0m this is a legacy part, and cannot be added via the editor 16 Bit Computers: kOSMachineRad (CompoMax Radial Tubeless, stock tree science cost 300) SuperComputer AI: KAL9000 (KAL9000 Scriptable Control System, stock tree science cost 550) And "Cherry Light" is just a silly rotating light which can, in my opinion, stay in the node it currently inhabits (Advanced Electrics). By the way, why is "LY-10 Small Landing Gear" in the unplaced-node, and not in e.g. "Landing", which is an empty node with stock parts only? EDIT: Oops. Just noticed there is a pull request for kOS parts. That'll teach me.
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