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  1. JadeOfMaar's post in My Eve Ascent Vehicle tips over & explodes when descending. was marked as the answer   
    @fulgur Your vessel tips over because your CoM is pretty high up from the shield and the shield is super draggy. By sheer principle, the center of drag will insist on being behind the CoM with respect to your movement direction so your ship will insist on flipping over so the shield can do its actual job of being a super-sized chute. Design your ship with a second giant heatshield on the top and further from your CoM than the bottom shield is.
  2. JadeOfMaar's post in My Eve Ascent Vehicle tips over & explodes when descending. was marked as the answer   
    @fulgur Your vessel tips over because your CoM is pretty high up from the shield and the shield is super draggy. By sheer principle, the center of drag will insist on being behind the CoM with respect to your movement direction so your ship will insist on flipping over so the shield can do its actual job of being a super-sized chute. Design your ship with a second giant heatshield on the top and further from your CoM than the bottom shield is.
  3. JadeOfMaar's post in My Eve Ascent Vehicle tips over & explodes when descending. was marked as the answer   
    @fulgur Your vessel tips over because your CoM is pretty high up from the shield and the shield is super draggy. By sheer principle, the center of drag will insist on being behind the CoM with respect to your movement direction so your ship will insist on flipping over so the shield can do its actual job of being a super-sized chute. Design your ship with a second giant heatshield on the top and further from your CoM than the bottom shield is.
  4. JadeOfMaar's post in Is it still possible to launch from other launch facilities (desert airfield, Woomerang) in 1.11? If so, how can I? was marked as the answer   
    @MacerSpaceflight you need the Making History DLC in order to have the other launch sites...
  5. JadeOfMaar's post in B9 Part Switch Errors was marked as the answer   
    @FabioofSpace What's going on includes:
    You may have an old version of Rational Resources. I fixed the RR_MetalOre problem, or my half of it (in v1.3.1). However, the other half of the problem, if it applies, needs to be sorted out by @zer0Kerbal, owner of SimpleConstruction, Not-so-simple Construction (these two you have installed) and the KGEx mods may still need to do something on their side. Something is now very broken with NF Construction. B9PS is trying to assign subtypes to its parts before the tank definitions are read. B9PS is sensitive to this order, needing the tank definitions to load first. But Nertea doesn't mess up the basic functions of his mods so I'm sure that the conflict between RR and zer0kerbal's mods is somehow causing it. I've done all I can to ensure that Rational Resources is without issue, so I'd suggest uninstalling (in this order if the problem persists) NotSoSimple Construction --> Simple Construction --> KGEx --> PatchManager.
  6. JadeOfMaar's post in Black ocean / atmosphere when using Scatterer and GPP was marked as the answer   
    @BetelJuice GPP's scatterer configs require scatter 0.03x. You likely have 0.05x which changes config syntax and breaks them. A GPP release has not been made concerning this.
  7. JadeOfMaar's post in Cooling a Convert-O-Tron was marked as the answer   
    Howdy. Two large or (maybe) two edge static radiators should be enough. Anything that needs radiators will tell you in its extended info what module needs those radiators, and how much "required cooling" is wanted. Like this nuclear reactor, it will say "Resource Converter" then "Required Cooling: xxx kW" which is 250kW if I remember right.

    Then for all radiators, look where it says "Radiators Specs: -> Core Heat xFer: yyy kW"
    Match the sum of Core Heat xFer from multiple radiators to Required Cooling. Once the sum of Core Heat xFer is greater (yyy > xxx), you're good to go.

  8. JadeOfMaar's post in Backspace does'nt work anymore? was marked as the answer   
    It's the tilde ` & ~ key.
    Right above the Tab key.
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