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  1. It's been a while since SQUAD decided we were worth keeping in the loop. Disappointing release for sure.
  2. Well I ain't two things Religious or patient with people who take my money and not deliver.
  3. Are you okay with having to wait? If I read that I would assume the writer was being rude. I'm asking for real.
  4. The noise could prevent console players from wasting their money on a game that doesn't work or supporting devs that repeatedly put out software that doesn't work.
  5. Why are you OK with paying for something that doesn't work, @nascarlaser1? It's like SQUAD is a family friend instead of a Mexican advertising company. A couple of Google searches suggests SQUAD isn't the nicest company in the world either... rip off their employees why nawt rip off their customers too...
  6. This isn't an amusement park. I didn't pay to wait in line. We will be lawn bowling geriatrics before squad gets their act together... and there will still be those who will put up with the medocreocie!
  7. I'd say that makes you a good friend. Any one buying this on console will face disappointment. As I originally asked... Why is this game still being sold on console.
  8. Another day, another corrupt save. @nestor feeling talkative there bud? The silence is killing us.
  9. I agree very much. Squad will continue to release buggy software unless pressure is applied
  10. Currently the saltiness of this thread is drying out any productive discussion.
  11. I think it is massively unfair the console version still has game crashing and data corruption. I bought the game to have fun (didn't you?) and this shortcoming is standing between me and enjoying this title.
  12. To be honest, KSP'S controls on console are complicated, but not inadequate. This is coming from someone who doesn't know PC controls. I wouldn't be surprised if the console version omits certain controls
  13. The daily dev notes really don't offer hope. The silence makes me feel we can't expect good news soon. It's a bummer, man.
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