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Everything posted by ChillingCammy

  1. I feel your pain. Ruined the game for me. I really have no interest in waiting for a patch, I just want my money back. Corporate greed keeps this title in the market
  2. Why is it still being sold... is the name of the thread. I don't have a death wish for squad. It really shouldn't be sold in its current state I didn't buy a pre-order! I bought what aught to have been a finished game
  3. Completely. I don't even mind the landing gear problem for now, just vertical launch planes and chute them back down! But my 40+ hour career being corrupted (dispite backing up hourly just to find my back up save corrupted ) is such a serious bummer
  4. Data corruption is unacceptable. I'm not complaining about the controls being complicated or frame rate stuff. The game crashes and ruins saves. Moo?
  5. The apathy and acceptance of a shoddy product is sickening to me. Moo if you believe in consumer rights
  6. I am actually not talking about mods. Double check the thread
  7. This thread is about why is console version is unplayable and should not be sold Glad you have seen the light. Join me in the movement. Make your profile cow themed to protest being milked for a broken copy
  8. Console player buys game, expecting it to work right away. PC players insist this is how it is with Squad how dare you expect otherwise. Buyer beware I guess
  9. The fact that Nestor explicitly said they didn't find these bugs in THREE rounds of QA is a hard pill to swallow.
  10. I would disappear like a fart in the wind if I got a refund. Or a console patch. Not sure which is less likely Yeah I suppose I should have done my research. I saw some YouTube videos and made a knee jerk decision. And how much I played and loved ksp... But then the great corruption came and where there was once love there is now cold cold resentment.
  11. Keep commenting. Let's get the viability up on this problem.
  12. If my presence on this forum helps other console players avoid the same mistake I'll be glad.
  13. Squad mistreated me and other console players. I will continue to make this Squad's problem until I get my money's worth
  14. Yeah man there is a problem. We expected a finished game! Guys I get that Squad has treated old PC players well but they can't endure as a company if new players are turned off by a shoddy port What kind of help do you expect of us? We've reported more bugs than you can shake a stick at.
  15. It makes the lie that much harder to believe, or the neglect that much greater
  16. I too work as a third party during the spring and early summer planting trees. Mills are obligated to replant trees so that the forest regenerates for environmental reasons but mainly to be harvested again. The forester checks our trees for quality and we face consequences if we're not up to spec. IF, however, bad trees are planted and the checkers miss an area, planters get paid and the mill still is obligated to reforest that area! Therefore if their quality assurance is sub-par, THEY pay the price.
  17. Absolutely. I think it very unlikely that Squad wouldn't have the last say on the state of their product after FT finished their port. If they DIDN'T they were foolish And if they DID they knowingly ripped us off!
  18. I bought an apple at the super market the other day. Sure, I was mad at FOODCO when it turned out the apple was full of worms but I also thought the farmer who knowing sells wormy apples is also a jerk too. Yeah, maybe it's the farmer's delivery guy who has a wormy truck. The farmer made a choice to hire that guy.
  19. Formally requested a refund, Deddly. What makes you think we aren't also disappointed with Microsoft/Sony, Homedawg? I feel Squad should have applied for the Xbox experimental market place thing (which would be awesome if Sony had as well) in the first place.
  20. PSN and Microsoft have no return policies. In my province the law states: It’s illegal for the business or individual to give you false information about themselves or the product or service they offer. Some examples of misrepresentation include: ...stating that the product is a certain grade, style, model, or quality when it isn’t Also, Delivery of goods Under the Consumer Protection Act, when you order a product, it must be delivered within 30 days of the promised delivery date or you can ask for a refund. However, if you choose to keep the item that was delivered late, you lose your right to get a refund for it. As I CAN launch KSP and use its features (however , not without the frustrating inevitability of crashes and corruption) I don't know if I have a case.
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