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  1. Aaah yes, I do have Procedural Parts installed, could well be the source of the 3 errors on startup. With regard to reaction wheels, It sounds like a good idea to lower RW torque by 50% so it stays inline with the mass reduction. Also it's worth noting again as someone else mentioned earlier... the CKAN release does not have the "extra's" folder in it with said patches, just a heads-up.
  2. Just tried this today as had often planned to get into an RSS playthrough but didn't really get on with RP-0 / RO. Unfortunately I'm also getting 3 errors from SMURFF.cfg on startup. Not sure whether this is directly connected to those errors or just a function of the reduction in mass but... Mk1 Command Pod ends up with rediculously powerful reactionwheels, to the point where it can roll itself across the ground at silly speeds. (or rotate the craft fast enough to break it apart lol)
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