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Everything posted by Veganbill

  1. I can add right click menu item like turn lights on. I use a module from another mod that turns on emmissives for that. I can also add right click menu item that starts that parts animation. I can also add right click menu item to start a fission reactor. I'd like the three modules (emissives, start reactor and animation) to be triggered at same time using same right click menu item. (Starting the reactor produces heat/electricity, triggers the part animation and makes it glow) _____________________ For my other part i need my ships window shutters to close automatically (trigger its animation) when it enters an atmosphere to protect the bridge. My ships superpower is its ability to take on extreme heat as it deorbits using a planets atmosphere so that would be cool. Thanks for the reply. I was gonna give up.
  2. I almost finished my mod, all my parts are in ksp working fine, i just need a easy c# work to incorporate a few modules together. Is there anyone available to team up with me? My mod consist of a near future type rss craft that uses atmospheres to slow down, inline greenhouse, fission reactor, engineering and ion engines. I am stuck at: I have done my part animations and can trigger them but I need to make other stuff happen when I trigger those animation. -Like starting a reactor will trigger animation too and trigger emmissives. -Air intake opens and triggers Bridge Shutter animation upon entering an atmosphere Basically "combining" modules already doing those things http://www.photobox.co.uk/album/4932597663 Thank you
  3. Anyway to make this compatible for RSS? I added Earth as allowed budy but never woeked. If its needed for kerbin, its extremely needed for rss
  4. Hello! I just started diving into "modding" ksp to create ship parts more suited to RSS using near future technologies... Thanks for any help I am a bit overwhelmed. I have learned to make modules to start animation on parts using right click menu. I would like to learn how starting such an animation can also trigger other modules to start/stop. For example: When I toggle the Extend option in the right click menu, how do I add a change in cooling of the part or making it produce electricity. Thank you /// I have 3d modeled all the parts for my mod, did textures, added animations and I fixed all the details. All I need is to figure a few things like this particular question to be able to publish my first MOD. I look forward to contributing to the scene!
  5. Hi fellow kerbonauts! I recently started modding for ksp as i already know a lot about modelling and would like to contribute. I get stuck sometimes on some issues. I hope some of you can help me. Any air intake part i do never seems to work. Is there something i need? I cant get my thrust transform properly aligned. Any tricks? I cant get textures to glow or be transparent. Any tip? LinLinks to proper videos or tutorials welcomed. Thank you
  6. Ill do a fresh install with only basic rss/ro install again and then post logs. Thanks
  7. Hi friends. I just joined and this is my 1st question. My game doesnt crash, i just dont have enough power to orbit. In unmodded ksp i can launch a rocket/orbit and land a ship on the moon in one go easily, even Duna, so i know how to make an orbit and understand that in RSS RO, its way harder and different. Now when i install a clean ksp with 1.1.3 RSS/Kopernicus/RO/Tweakscale, i can barely make an orbit using all tricks i know. I installed a few rocket packs recommended by RO and tried to orbit Saturn V. Never could. The RSB Atlas V Hsv can barely hover at launchpad. No thrust. I tried with CKAN INSTALL TOO. I TRIED IN DIFFERENT WINDOWS, different computer. Same thing. I reproduced same rocket as Space Launch system, barely gets to space. I suspect something wrong with new version.
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