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Autolyzed Yeast Extract

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Posts posted by Autolyzed Yeast Extract

  1. Probe: 3 OCTOs, 4 com-16 (3 functional)

    Relay satellite: 3 OCTOs, 3 RA-2 antenna

    level 3 tracking station

    The crafts are well within range of eachother. the relay sat has 100% connection to KSC. The probe just lost connection to the KSC minutes ago. It refuses to connect to the relay satellite.

    I'm getting really sick and tired of my crafts specifically interplanetary probes refusing to connect to relay satellites for absolutely no reason whatsoever, someone PLEASE TELL ME WHY IT IS NOT CONNECTING TO THE DAMN RELAY.

  2. It would really be nice to see some office buildings, condos and other more mundane structures in this pack, perhaps derived from the more square parts of the R&D buildings. If they're done correctly it could allow random users to tile low effort cities together to blow up.

    However I don't think Omega482 has been on the forum since February...?

  3. I'm having problems with pressurizing. Every time a crew member transfers anywhere in the station the habitat loses some portion of its atmosphere and needs to be pressurized again. Also, sometimes the habitats will suddenly revert progress in pressurizing for no reason. I have a science lab, a wharf station control room, a cupola and a coriolos inflatable hab module (SSPXR) and they keep suddenly losing their nitrogen atmosphere for no reason and it is perpetually consuming a ridiculous amount of nitrogen requiring me to send numerous missions there. Kerbalism says I have adequate pressurization to combat leakage as well.

    I have this same problem on all of the stations I build. There haven't been any malfunctions at all let alone related to the life support systems, so I don't see what the problem is. If it matters I have 7 crew members on board and the control room is a seperate module docked via clampotrons. Does anyone know what sort of mods might modify or break Kerbalism's pressure system?

  4. 11 hours ago, Sir Mortimer said:

    We're exchanging lead with a lighter alloy composite material for the next release. It will have approx. 1/3rd the mass while having the same shielding effect - but will cost 3 times more.

    Thank you! This is exactly what we needed. I was wanting to pay for composite materials like those NASA use in several missions and I should have made that clear.

    11 hours ago, Sir Mortimer said:

    It's not Kerbalism that makes it unrealistically hard do do extended crewed missions. That's just how it is.

    I wasn't specifically talking about going to Mars or some other distant planet. Right now it is not reasonable for me just to do a Mun mission because your kerbals will receive pretty sizable doses as well simply because it's too expensive to put shielding on right now to have enough fuel to get there and back, especially in mods that use larger planets. The polar thing is a good idea but aerobraking becomes a lot harder when you're not going with Kerbin's rotation, and that was far more dangerous than the radiation poisoning. I know that it's really hard in real life and that's why I like the mechanic, we've just been stuck with a pretty inefficient way of combatting radiation for a while. That or the stock command pods are heavier than they should be without any radiation shielding. If their weight is comparable to their real life counterparts I would think that they contain some form of radiation protection out of the box, but I don't really know how they shape up.

  5. 22 hours ago, Cruesoe said:

    Why don't you just turn off Radiation if you don't like it?  I'm pretty sure it's an option.

    Like I said, I like having a realistic experience, and you can't just turn off radation in real life, I just don't like how the only way to fight it is lead plating. There should be water shielding or something once you get to mid game, because simply using dense plating is an awfully inefficient way of dealing with the problem and I just don't have the dV or TWR to get anywhere with a protected crew.

  6. The radiation shielding in this mod is too heavy. Crewed modules should have some layer of radiation protection in them by default, and solid lead plating is not the only way to protect astronauts from radiation. Creating surface bases, space stations and even simple Mun/Minmus missions have become extremely discouraged due to how difficult it is to fight radiation. While it is a subject of a lot of research in real life, the fact the only method we have to fight it is lead plating or intense magnetic forcefields doesn't make sense. Aerobraking at Kerbin requires going into the high radiation belts many times unless you take such a steep descent that you die to heat or g forces. This is the only reason why I do not like playing with this mod; I enjoy a hardcore experience (I am using this with JNSQ, which makes it even more frustrating that we cannot use, for example, water instead of super heavy metals for protection), but the excessively punishing radiation mechanic basically prevents us from doing any form of crewed mission for an extended period of time, especially considering that you need many empty seats to prevent stress.

  7. Here's a video of me deploying a Minmus surface base in JNSQ, equipped with 20 mm lead radiation shields and 100+ days of supplies at max capacity. This serves both to show an example of flying and deploying modules in a hardcore JNSQ save, and as my first real video. Of course I end up having to force the contract to complete because it didn't recognize the base I deployed as filling the requirements

    Recording a video of my Mun landing would have been much cooler, but I have already done that and I didn't have recording software set up at the time. I plan on making more videos as I play through my career save in this mod. At this point I'm at mid game, and considering this mod is a lot more difficult in early game it would probably be a good idea to start a new save at some point to serve as a walkthrough. Have fun watching, but note that it is fairly lengthy with several strange pauses; the only parts that are interesting to me are the actual landing and where I show the innards of the rocket, which was built before the video, and I clipped a lot of stuff inside the payload specifically science instruments, probe cores and supplies. And I don't talk, but considering the way my voice sounded in my test run I don't think you'd want me to. :D

    If for some reason Team Galileo doesn't want this here, I can snip the post

  8. As for my earlier post regarding increasing science gains... this is unnecessary. I just had to get clever with a little biome hopping. Though, there wasn't any hopping as far as I'm concerned. Just planting probes into the surface to give me juicy seismic data.
    From how long it's taken me in this career save, it's made this a lot more rewarding. The Eagle has landed. Unfortunately I was landing during a full moon and I only had half a month of oxygen, so no blue marble.

    I'm using the "Probes Before Crew" tech tree mod, which requires CTT, Strategia, this mod of course, Kerbalism, Restock+ and Nertea's space station parts, along with several technical mods notably BetterBurnTime. I wouldn't be able to land without it, lol


    But as you can probably tell, Jeb and Bob nearly met certain doom as not only were the lander cans miserably weak at combatting the immense heat of reentry in JNSQ kerbin, the upper stage only had enough fuel to ensure a direct collision with the atmosphere. After multiple days of anxious aerobraking they began their final descent with nothing to protect them but a depleted heat shield. In a last ditch effort to save their lives the E key was held for many minutes and just as the reaction wheels were failing to maintain enough angular velocity to keep the bottom lander can mere degrees from hell, the temperature began to drop and the day was won.

    True story.


  9. If you're running this with Kerbalism's changes to the way science works, you're going to have to increase your science rewards by about 150% at least. It is unreasonably difficult to return from the Mun with pre-2.5m-rocket technology in this scale.

  10. DRM means no mods.

    Or it means that all mods are 1000% harder to make, and half of them are impossible to make.
    Either way, you don't want DRM in KSP just as much as people who actually have problems with DRM. This game specifically cannot have DRM because it lives and breathes solely through mods, so putting DRM into the sequel is financial suicide.

  11. Also if anyone cares KSP 2 will NOT have clouds. Check the first image on the steam store page, look closely for a cloudless kerbin. Need more confirmation? Second image, no clouds at the launchpad. Scatterer and EVE guys, you know what to do when this comes out.



  12. People, please ask about DRM instead of asking for epic exclusivity, DRM is much more important as it directly and harshly affects playability and moddability.
    At worst, we can wait an extra year, which is probably better as modders need time to learn the new game. DRM, however, is a permanent problem.
    That doesn't mean you shouldn't ask about and discourage exclusivity. :wink:

  13. 7 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

    Squad is firmly saying that KSP2 will NOT be Epic Exclusive. Of course, we've heard that argument before.

    First of all, they have yet to say this officially. If they have, all previous evidence of them saying this has been deleted thus far, or it was someone making memes.

    Second of all
    Exclusive Bois who lied about exclusivity and don't refund steam preorders: Exist
    Your argument: Invalid
    I'm just saying that the game is 98% likely going to go exclusive at some point regardless of what they say now. I really only care about the DRM it contains, which sadly nobody else appears to be mentioning.
    If it has none, I'm perfectly happy waiting for it to come to Steam.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Ruedii said:

    Hopefully since it's released on Steam, Steamworks DRM will be all they use.  Of course, quite a few Steam integration features will break when you run the game without a license on Steam so DRM would clearly not be necessary.

    Anyone who knows anything about KSP's files knows that steam integration is virtually nonexistent. Many users to this day do not run the game through Steam at all. Considering this game is being released on other digital storefronts, Steam is highly unlikely to be hosting their servers, so I highly doubt that Steam would be enough. Now that I think about it I'm starting to feel pretty stupid for even considering the possibility of this game not having DRM because 1. Take Two and 2. the way the multiplayer is going to have to work is pretty much going to guarantee the presence of Denuvo.


    Also epic store exclusivity is pretty much guaranteed, just look at private division's other games. They're the ones who jumped for this business to begin with via Outer Worlds.

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