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Everything posted by Tim_p

  1. I'm very happy to report that this issue does not exist in the prerelease KSP 1.2. Performance for me is excellent and cpu usage is reasonable.
  2. These three threads (all started by the same person) are the most informative I could find: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-games-consume-100-cpu-on-many-titles.380442/ https://hardforum.com/threads/xeon-owners-i-need-your-help.1889547/ https://community.unity.com/t5/Editor/Unity-games-consume-100-CPU-on-MANY-titles/td-p/2481927 Maplesyrupghost seems to be having the same problem I am, and a few volunteers checked their systems and some had similar problems as well. Edit: two and a half threads. Two are mirrors of each other, but imperfectly synced (one is missing the newest posts), at least when I last accessed them.
  3. Yeah, already tried taskset. Unfortunately, even limited to running on one core the problem persists, even the eight enlighten threads. I guess even if the scheduler restricts the process to one core, it can still see that there are more cores. Other users on other games have reported that disabling cores in the BIOS works, but that's a pretty messy solution.
  4. After searching through the Unity forums: It seems that this is a known problem on systems with lots of cores--especially dual Xeon systems. Probably a problem with the multithreading code in Unity5. It affects all OSes and many games built on Unity5. So there's no way to fix it except to wait for the Unity devs to push out a new version with a fix, and from there to wait for the KSP devs to build KSP with that version. Do you know if the KSP devs plan to keep up with Unity's minor version updates?
  5. I tested KSP 1.0.5 on the same fresh ubuntu install. 1.0.5 works well without any cpu usage issues (though it does seem to have some minor v-sync related quirks). Is 1.0.5 older than the inclusion of Enlighten?
  6. No luck with that option either. I even tried a fresh install of ubuntu with the graphics card manufacturer's supported driver (v367.35)--rather than nvidia's newest driver--with the same results, including the eight threads for Enlighten.
  7. My apologies, I thought I had uploaded a Player.log without cli options. Player.log w/o -force-glcore Without -force-glcore resolution sets without problems/retries, while Enlighten still starts 8 threads. The 100% cpu usage issue still occurs.
  8. I've linked to the requested info on my gdrive: Player.log hardinfo KSP.log glxinfo
  9. Hello all! I'm running a clean install of KSP 1.1.3 on Ubuntu 16.04, kernel version 4.4.0. I've got dual Xeon E5-2670s, a GTX 1060 6gb and 64gb of ram, so I don't think my problem is a hardware limitation. Any scene with any 3D rendering, regardless of graphics settings, (including the kerbals floating in space on the main menu) uses 100% CPU (100% of all 32 cores!) and I'm getting terrible frame rates. I'm getting 10-40fps on different scenes, with terrible stuttering. Is there a fix for this unreasonable cpu usage?
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