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Space Station 4 Crash

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Everything posted by Space Station 4 Crash

  1. My friend, I am not sure. In a KSP weekly Squad made it clear that if you had purchased the game already that you would not be paying for the latest version.
  2. No it wasn't that. It was released on xbox one in Europe. It is a Sony thing. It is divided into 3 regions - America, Europe and Japan. I don't think it passed Sony Europe standards? No budskie! SQUAD confirmed that if you bought the game the new port is free.
  3. I hear ya. It is a total mess. Hopefully the next release is a smooth one. In hindsight it should of been taken down right away. I wonder if they thought FTE would have it fixed in a couple weeks? Who knows. I wonder if once people buy a game off the ps store can it be taken down? It certainly didn't get released in Europe and I am only assuming because of the bugs that were being reported. They get props from me for sticking it out. They are not quitting, and they have admitted they have failed to deliver ksp to console. $40 bucks out of pocket and hear I am waiting. Just like you. But at the least they are going to try and fix it. That is something. From their weekly tidbits it seems to be going a lot better this time around. I understand the frustration, at this point it is laughable how bad this launch was. Let's hope Loud and Clear is worth the wait. Cheers.
  4. I think the best thing to realize is that nothing you say or do is going to move this along faster. I read a lot of opinions on here about game development process and in my opinion they are not based on fact or confirmed details but ideas of how people think the process works. After almost a year of waiting for the fix it is better to keep your eye on The KSP Weekly post and be patient. The fact that SQUAD didn't abandon the console version all together says something about them in my opinion. There are no more problems with the console versions now, only solutions. A good way to justify the long wait now is with a few certainties you can probably count on. 1. The game will not corrupt your save 2. The game will perform better 3. You will be playing on an updated version of the game, close to what PC players have now. More game to play. 4. If you bought the game already you will not be paying for the new release. These points have been stated by the devs in some form or another on the KSP Weekly. Some things are worth waiting for. I think KSP is one of them.
  5. I don't give a flying tiger that it has been six months since launch! Really glad I stuck around and a few more months doesn't really matter anymore. Love this game, can't wait for the re-launch.... Pun intended. Good luck SQUAD and BlitWorks!
  6. Hey man, So this is what started this whole thing. Please share some information if what I am about to say doesn't make sense. The idea that FTE and Squad are going to bump console users from 1.0 to 1.2 would be fantastic news. This is not the case. They have spent the last 4 months just trying to get 1.0 to work on consoles. When you think about what you are saying it doesn't add up or make sense. We heard that Xbox got a patch 2 weeks ago and ps4 was still waiting. We haven't heard a word since. So the time FTE is spending on trying to fix the ps4/Xbox version 1.0 it is not spending that time porting 1.2 to console. So you see, the 1.2.1 news is not our news. Not yet, and not for a long time. There is no way we will see 1.2 for a long time we just want 1.0 and not even bug free, just so that we can save our games. I hope this helps you understand why the console users feel like we are left in the dark. If the plan was just to bump to 1.2, I wish they would say that. That was the whole point of the original topic. Just to know a potential plan. Cheers.
  7. Lol. I replied by directly saying I wasn't being sarcastic and said I was sorry for your misunderstanding. Go back and have a read. I just want any news. That was the whole point of the original topic before it was merged. (not being sarcastic). You think I want to get pc users to get squad to add more resources for the console fix? Sorry that point was a little muddled (not being sarcastic). Can the pc users do that? That's awesome! If you guys could hook us up that would be epic. We can't even play our version. (Little sarcastic) Can you hook me up with where you get your information?..."sunk cost situation, Squad deciding on staying with FTE or hiring someone else?" Please share. (Not being sarcastic) Mass rioting!?! Where, on this forum? Oh man"Palm to face" ( little sarcastic ) It was suppose to be a place for a positive discussion about possibly getting some more information for the console port until you graced the topic ( not being sarcastic ). I think the moderator made a mistake merging it. I hope people continue to raise the concerns and continue to support Squad and FTE, in the end it's an amazing game. I hope we get to play it. Hey buddy, Console version on ps4 says 1.0. Cheers.
  8. Dude! What are you talking about. lol. As the mighty Porkins said "stay on target". I wasn't lying either. You are drifting all over the map. You started by saying the 1.2 news is our news. It really isn't. But I'm not going to get into this PEE PEE contest you seem to want to have. That "special treatment" thing you have diverted to is BS in my opinion. The beauty of diversity I guess. Who hired FTE? I think your logic is that the development of this game for PC has been mediocre and console players should recognize that. Console players should shut up and wait after buying a game advertised as complete and not expect "special treatment". Ok man, good on yah. Role with that. I'm not trying to be mean here. Just a difference of opinions and interpretation of the facts. Peace.
  9. That's good news Rudi, I think we need a lot more. Hey man, I'm no expert, but I don't even think the UK version is out the door, it was either slammed shut or after the game breaking bugs started they are holding off. I feel sorry for SQUAD and FTE. This must be a nightmare. It is suppose to come to the wii U but things are looking a little grim.
  10. Sorry man, I wasn't being sarcastic at all. I really think you are off here. They mentioned in a dev note months ago that the xbox patch was doing great and that they would keep us posted. The following week they said the ps4 patch was giving them problems and that they would keep us updated, then they said that the xbox patch should be going to certification the next week but the ps4 patch was still giving them problems. It is completely separate. We are not waiting for certification of a submitted fix, we are waiting for news that there will potentially be a fix for the current version (1.0) and then they will let us know when that fix has been tested and will be sent for certification. You realize they cannot jump us to 1.2 if 1.0 is littered with game breaking bugs. After the xbox patch released 1.1 (I guess 1.1) we havn't heard a thing. I just don't think you understand what is going on with the console ports. Xbox received a patch, and going by community posts it did not solve the problem it was suppose to. The ps4 has never received a fix. After some time playing the game it crashes and corrupts all game saves. The way things are going version 1.2 is a looooooong way away from being released to console. So by your logic we should wait for 1.2 to reach consoles. We have waited 4 months for a fix of 1.0. Anyways, that is were the console release stands as of now.
  11. Ohhhh! You are saying that the 1.2 release for console is going to fix everything. Sweet man, can you send me a link to where you found this. All I saw was them mentioning that 1.2 would eventually becoming to consoles. We are on 1.0 and it's broke, so are you saying that fixing the current version is abandoned and that they are moving to 1.2 to be certified for consoles. That doesn't quite sound right. But hey, if I'm wrong hook us up with a link man!!!! That would be amazing news.
  12. Hey buddy, No worries, This may turn into a rant topic, it might not, it might fizzle out. I hope it remains civil. I appreciate the comment.
  13. Sorry dude, I think you are in the dark here a bit, no offense. PS4 got no update and we are not on 1.2, we are on 1.0. See... more discussions needed.
  14. Well perhaps we need more of an effort. Perhaps more discussions? I mean, the notice from the devs on the KSP plushies were great on Friday but a console update would of also been appreciated. I don't know if the certification process would effect updating people on the progress of a patch. Is that not two separate things?
  15. I thought it would be a good idea to designate a topic specifically for console players. This is not to create a den for SQUAD / FTE bashing, but to allow people to voice their opinions and perhaps gain more attention surrounding the console ports. The goal would be to gain enough notice so that it influences the devs to start leveling with customers on a proposed deadline of when the game will be playable. I suggest we share all the great things we love about ksp and also bring to light that it is approaching 4 months since the console release and we are basically in the dark. The goal of the topic is not to create a rift between console players and PC users. Consider this an experiment to see how many people are waiting for answers. Please keep in mind I am a huge supporter of the game and I hope that people share the pros and cons of the console experience so far.
  16. I choose to remain optimistic. Why? I dunno, I'm stupid. After 4 months with a broken game I think it is fair to say that the wonder and excitement of playing the long awaited KSP on console has fizzled out. For me and me alone, I think the $40 was worth it, not for the game... that would be ridiculous to say, but for being apart of this unique consumer experience. I have learned a lot and got to converse with some very great people on this forum. I have avoided bashing SQUAD and FTE because I still retain hope that they will deliver.... someday... probably a long time from now. It is frustrating, I mean, there have been class action law suites over less things in this world but let's be real, you are never getting your money back. I for one am totally cool with this. I think the one thing that stands out is that most people arn't really asking for a refund, they are asking for a fix. Why? Because this game is awesome and we want to play it. The requests to remove the game from the marketplace really stems from a helplessness felt and the need to be heard. If this were a AAA title and the console port was more in the public eye this port would have been fixed a long time ago. And there my friends is the rub. No one cares except us. Here is my final opinion. If they pull it off and fix the ports I think they should be commended. It would be a case of a small company persevering and supporting their audience. Although it took a long time, they did the best they could under the circumstances. I for one can totally understand that. If they sweep it under the rug, remain silent and just wait for the dust to settle I at least hope they apologize in the end. Again, I don't think they are going to. I think they will make good on their promise. Happy Launchings.... someday.
  17. I would like to play it on console. Today marks the 73rd day of the launch on ps4 and no fix. Here are some things I like to do with the current release of the console version. - Reading the loading screens funny messages. - Practicing re-organizing my staging after returning form an EVA. - Inside the VAB, count how long it takes to zoom in on a craft over 30 parts from the farthest zoomed out distance. My record is 8 seconds. - Building SSTO's and then delete them after flying them (to save memory) - Seeing how many things I can dock to a space station before I get a corrupt game save. - Listening to the main menu soundtrack. - Watching a ship orbit Kerbin for hours. - Trying to get the "Add a maneuver node" dialogue box not to show up when adjusting a maneuver node. - Planning rescue mission in theory but knowing I can't afford the memory loss of building more ships. I know I'm being a jerk here. This is my favorite game of all time. I know they will fix the problems but I couldn't just say that I think almost everything works on console without spelling out the hilariously bad release of the console version. So excluding the game crippling bugs to a point that I wouldn't recommend playing it, the game is super fun to play on console and works well. Flying planes and ships is much easier with a controller, especially mun landings (for me). Once you remember the slew of controller commands to do the things you use all the time it becomes very accessible. i.e. L1 + long hold of O = turn on RCS. I can't wait to be sitting on my couch playing a stable release of the game. I wish SQUAD and FTE all the luck in the world with the fix. Happy Friday Kerbonauts!
  18. Hey man! It seems like we are now on to a different point. I was just stating that they care. They need this to work and that this debacle is not a personal thing or hate against you. PS4 doesn't have an early access program. It was announced and launched first on PS4. The problems the two consoles are having are not the same, they are both experiencing different issues. Both game crippling. Hindsight sucks for SQUAD and FTE, looking now we can point and criticize. As you say, "Why were these bugs not found in testing?". You should voice your opinion and criticize, I think it improves quality assurance if the customer lets a company know that they need to take more care. But again the reality is it did get through, the "how" doesn't matter anymore, they didn't find the bugs and now we are over 2 months with no patch because they can't fix it promptly. They need this to work. As they said in a post, "we simply have to fix it, there is no other option". I'm now more interested in the "when". .... And to directly answer your question, I have no idea why these bugs were not found?
  19. Hey Dano! They care, they are just incapable of getting this fixed promptly. The PC market for KSP is saturated. They need growth to stay alive and make money. The console release is a huge business opportunity for them. The reality is that I think they bit off more than they can chew. FTE apparently is rewriting the save process for the game and SQUAD is currently testing 20 different builds of the game. That in itself is kind of scary. 20 versions? Sounds like they are just throwing things at it until something sticks. Anyways, it's the best game ever and this wait has been horrible, I can't wait to play it. What do you do after 2 months and no hope in sight. Laugh I guess. I choose to remain blindly optimistic.
  20. Let me add a machete to this frustration thicket. I once saw Chuck Norris throw a bear at a PS4 and it fixed a corrupt game save. I hope this helps Squad! I'm hoping all the KSP super fans on here have a great long weekend, even if that may be Kerbaless. There is a future for KSP on console and it is coming. The future is bright, like flying a rocket into the sun. I know this doesn't subside the frustration (rightfully so) but I think this game and its community are awesome. I'm new here and glad to see that there are people fighting for consumer rights and others reassuring us that this is an understandable dilemma that will be fixed. Justifiable? I don't know, but understandable. Peace out Kerbonauts.
  21. Started another career tonight. I'm so stupid. (PS4) "Why can't I quit you?" - Broke Back Mountain
  22. Going through withdrawals. Finally called it quits after 4 sandbox, and 3 career corrupt games. That was 2 weeks ago. I made a game out of it. "Will the update come out in time to save my career before I lose everything". Even after all that it's still the best game I have ever played (it's tailored for me). They will fix it gang... they will. I've screwed up tons, I once let my kid eat a whole jar of pickles while I was trying to land on Duna, and that was 3 weeks ago ;). If Squad and FTE are small companies (understaffed) you should be yelling at them when they stop and make a post to address issues. "Why are you not working on my game!!! Get back to work, what are you doing on the forums!!!".
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