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    In a mancave somewhere on Earth. I think... Or maybe the moon? I forget, I don't get out much.
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  1. I have made different variations of the rocket you see in the video and the game still crashes, yes, EVERYTIME. I have tried roughly 15 times, even on a different launch pad. What you see in the video is what happens literally everytime. Two seconds after the video ends is when the game crashes, no performance issues at all. It's a relatively new game in career mode. I have only two satellites, one orbiting Kerbin and one orbiting the Mun, so there is zero lag and the game runs perfectly smooth. Then it crashes. Yes I have the DLC installed and I am using at least one part that I know of; the lander. As for additional information, I used the exact same rocket (except without the additional two boosters) in the video to actually get to the Mun and get out of orbit of the Mun. Problem was that I always ran out of fuel before I could correct my trajectory to land on Kerbin, so I added two extra boosters, and that's when the game started crashing.
  2. I built a rocket capable of going to the Mun and back from Kerbin. The game crasheses everytime before the rocket reaches 300m/s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QNiTwLzR6E
  3. And how about the PC players who got it for free for buying early access? Those of us who bought the original KSP on console are essentially the exact same. Getting the Enhanced Edition for free was nothing more than them fixing a game that was broken beyond repair. A mistake that should've never happened. They should've tested it and delayed the release date.
  4. Should've delayed the original console version, too. Glad you're learning from your mistakes.
  5. I just solved the problem, I put the craft in low orbit of Kerbin and recovered the vessel from orbit. I feel like its cheating though.
  6. I landed Jeb on the Mun and safely landed him back on Kerbal in career mode in the enhanced edition but I cannot save/go to main menu/go to space center/go to tracking station/recover vessel. I tried EVA, going into map, pressing random buttons, turning the throttle on/off, and nothing I've tried seems to work. I also tried re-loading my last save which was Jeb on the Mun about to take off for Kerbal, but same problem every time I land on Kerbal.
  7. Here's the problem: one of them later said that they think it would be great if what I said would happen. Thing is, if you agree then why explain why you THINK it won't happen? What's the point in that? If you agree that Squad should apologize and compensate people for their mistake, then just say so. The more people who want an apology and compensation, the more likely it'll happen (definitely not saying it WILL happen). Explaining why you think something won't happen doesn't help anything here, if anything it deters people from requesting the same thing. Squad needs to apologize and make this right, end of story. Will they? Probably not, but its worth a try to demand it. I've had lots of bad experiences in forums. An example: my friend requested that characters in Ark: Survival Evolved be allowed to be transferred from the old official servers to the new official servers via a Facebook post/comment on Wild Cards Facebook page. My friend was insulted with words that would get me banned/suspended from these forums if I repeated what the commenters said to him. Some even told him to kill himself for requesting that. 50+ negative/insulting replies to his comment and just a few positive replies, all within a few hours. I wrote something similar on their website and was met by the same result as my friend (no where near as bad as the replies he got, though). Similar things happened on other suggestion forums I posted on. That is why I hate going on forums. (kind of off topic, but just covering my bases: yes I know Ark was in early access, but other multiplayer games allowed people to keep their progress after early access/beta, and Wild Card never said anything about deleting servers one by one, not being allowed to transfer characters, and not offering support for legacy servers all after release. We only play PvE so no, we would not have an advantage over other players if we were allowed to transfer our characters. And yes they DO have the power to at the very least give you the amount xp you earned in legacy servers to a new character in the new official servers, but they refuse. Yes, I heard its not hard to level up in Ark, but some of us have jobs and college that prevents us from spending hours upon hours of grinding. And there are things they could have done to prevent people from immediately going into PvP after a characters transfer) In real life people don't usually tell you to kill yourself or insult you for stating an innocent comment about something. But you are right, they were simply giving their opinion. But like I said, it doesn't help anything.
  8. This is why I hate going on forums, people are so quick to shoot down your ideas without even thinking, even if they don't know what they're talking about. Everyone wants to prove people wrong in forums, and that doesn't help anything. People trust a company more when they apologize for their mistakes and use that mistake to make their company better. Here's a small example of an apology they could make: "We apologize that the original release of KSP on console was a failure. We failed to properly test it before release, and as a result we had to re-port the game from scratch which took a year and a half, longer than originally expected. We took our time on the re-port because we wanted to give our fans on console the best experience of KSP possible, and we wanted it to be perfect. We hope you enjoy the newly re-ported version of KSP. As a show of good faith, everyone who previously bought KSP on console will get a discount on a future game. We will use this mistake to better our games and oursevles as a company." Definitely not a perfect apology, but you get the idea. I already knew neither will probably happen, but its the only way I'd forgive Squad. Maybe it was a cash grab, maybe FTE gave them their build and Squad releaseed it as a finished product after successfully building and launching a rocket or two, maybe they used some kind of inaccurate emulator to test the console version, or maybe due to some impossible miracle they did properly test it and no bugs were found. Whatever the reason, Squad is at fault, and this is why I would like a detailed explanation, however that is very unlikely to happen. Take Two is the parent company of Rockstar, and Rockstar made Grand Theft Auto V. I have had countless glitches happen in Grand Theft Auto Online and I have always been properly compensated by Rockstar for those glitches, like when my Adder vanished they gave me the money to buy and customize a new one, plus a little extra for the inconvenience. That is why I believe Take Two will allow compensation. I understand Take Two isn't the perfect company, but they did allow compensation. I also understand Rockstar getting greedy with shark cards, so no reason to point that out. I love companies that take their time to perfect a game, even pushing back the release date to do so, like Rockstar. However, KSP on console was far from perfect. I understand the thousands of lines of code make it difficult to port a game, but still, they should have taken their time and pushed back the release date to begin with. Unfortunately they can not do that now as it's too late, so an apology and compensation will have to suffice, even if that compensation is just as simple as a console exclusive feature. (yes I know mods can allow any feature on PC)
  9. Recently I've been trying to think about things in a third person's prospective regarding KSP on console, rather than thinking like a victim. Squad is doing everything they can to make sure this re-release won't be a failure like the original release, which is commendable. Though it is Squad's fault that the original release was a huge failure because they didn't properly test it (if at all). However, I am willing to forgive Squad if they do these two things: 1. Give an official public apology for releasing a broken game as a finished product. The apology can simply be on the announcement forums if they so choose, so long as the thread is dedicated to the apology an not just tagging along on some other announcement like "update 5.3 will bring aliens, UFOs, and monster trucks! also, we're sorry we sold a broken game". 2. Give the people who bought the game on console before the re-release some form of compensation, like a huge discount on a future game, or a free DLC or something. A good example would be Bethesda: they gave all players on PlayStation 3 a huge discount on all three DLC for a limited time on Skyrim because the DLC took forever to get to PlayStation 3. A detailed explanation that explains why the game was allowed to be released in its current state would also be great, but unlikely to happen. Unfortunately giving everyone a refund is out of the question as they probably spent it all trying to fix the game. All that being said, I would like them release what they have now, because like I said before, it can't be any worse than the current version.
  10. I don't currently own a computer nor can I afford to build/buy one. I much prefer the convenience and simplicity of console over PC anyway (I have done a bit of PC gaming in the past), so PC is out of the question. I almost never complain about video games that are playable, so no I would not complain. I recently bought Shoppe Keep and it's probably more buggy than KSP on console, it even corrupted the saves regularly, even more often than KSP does. I complained to them about the save issue via e-mail and they told me they're already working it, the next day they released an update specifically to fix the corrupted save issue. Though the game is still more buggy than KSP, I have zero complaints about it because I can still play it, progress through the game and the saves no longer corrupt. So no, I would not complain about KSP if they fixed the corrupted save issue at the very least. They fixed that issue in Shoppe Keep a few days after release, yet it's been almost 15 months since KSP was released and still not even an update to stop saves from corrupting. I understand that KSP is dramatically more complex than Shoppe Keep, but like I said before, why not just fix the corrupted save issue then re-port the game from scratch like they're doing now?
  11. Almost 15 months now and still no update. At least they're acknowledging the situation and keeping us updated on their progress every week... All I wanted was for them to stop the game from corrupting and to make it freeze/crash/become unresponsive less, then slowly fix the game update after update over time. At the very least they could've stopped it from corrupting, then do what they're doing now, which is re-doing the whole thing. At least we would've been able to play the game relatively safely while we waited. Why not just release the build they have now as an open beta/early access? From what they said they have a relatively working build and the saves don't corrupt, that's good enough for me.
  12. You know what they could've/should've done? Released the current build as an open beta for those who bought it for console. Not for testing, but so they can play a better version than what's currently available while they wait for the game to be re-released. AKA early access. It is now July 12th and has officially been a full year. I will certainly not be recommending KSP to anyone ever again and I will never again buy a game from Squad.
  13. I was thinking the same thing! Why not allow everyone who bought the game for console to participate in the beta?
  14. That was directed at everyone, not just you.
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