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  1. Management of this mod was transfered to @Lisias New thread is here:
  2. Management if this mod was transfered to @Lisias New thread is here:
  3. Management of this mod was transfered to @Lisias New thread is here:
  4. Management of this mod was transfered to @Lisias New thread is here:
  5. If someone wants to adopt this or my other mods, contact me. I don't have time for modding anymore due to my bussy work and life schedule.
  6. If someone wants to adopt this or my other mods, contact me. I don't have time for modding anymore due to my bussy work and life schedule.
  7. If someone wants to adopt this or my other mods, contact me. I don't have time for modding anymore due to my bussy work and life schedule.
  8. If someone wants to adopt this or my other mods, contact me. I don't have time for modding anymore due to my busy work and life schedule.
  9. /// <summary> /// Shutdown/Activate BV controller /// </summary> [KSPEvent(guiActive = true, guiActiveEditor = true, guiName = "Shutdown Bon Voyage Controller", category = "Bon Voyage", requireFullControl = true)] public void ToggleBVController() { shutdown = !shutdown; Events["ToggleBVController"].guiName = (!shutdown ? Localizer.Format("#LOC_BV_ContextMenu_Shutdown") : Localizer.Format("#LOC_BV_ContextMenu_Activate")); if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) { Fields["vesselType"].guiActive = !shutdown; Fields["rotationVector"].guiActive = !shutdown; Events["BVControlPanel"].guiActive = !shutdown; if (shutdown) { if (active) { BVController controller = BonVoyage.Instance.GetControllerOfVessel(vessel); if (controller != null) controller.Deactivate(); } } BonVoyage.Instance.SetShutdownState(vessel.id, shutdown); } else { Fields["vesselType"].guiActiveEditor = !shutdown; } }
  10. Can you link the Sunworks mod here? If you have mostly stock vessel, the also craft file can help.
  11. It can be some change in NFE (there is one issue on github I need to check) or combination of mods. I have a lot of work, so BV is a little bit neglected, but KSP 2 does not seem to be ready anytime soon, so it's time to do a revision.
  12. They were on the night side of the Moon. Manned rover has a penalty when driving during night due to low visibility. Try to switch off rotation or change rotation vector. https://github.com/jarosm/KSP-BonVoyage/wiki/Settings#disable-rotation https://github.com/jarosm/KSP-BonVoyage/wiki/Settings#rotation-vector-advanced-tweakable
  13. https://github.com/jarosm/KSP-BonVoyage/wiki/Settings#rotation-vector-advanced-tweakable You can change rotation vector if a rover is rotated wrongly, because the up vector does not mean wheels down. I can be mistaken, but wasn't there a fix some time ago, so the root part is not changed after dock/undock anymore? The root part is easy to find and is used to find height of the rover above terrain also. I had issue with "Control from here", that it kept resetting. The 1000 meters between centers of grid tiles (hexagonal grid centered on current position) is not in the docs. It is hidden value that is used to limit pathfinding time.
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