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  1. Name: GOOD FORTUNE MINING COMPANY Business: Mining and [until recently] Defense The Good Fortune Mining company was [and still is] a small ore mining company. GFMC primarily used remote piloted drones to mine and extract various minerals from the Kerbin system. Their base of operation was on Minus, where the low gravity was exploited, several secondary bases were on the Mun. As the name suggests, GFMC had rather good fortunes, locating a sizable ore deposit on Minmus, its stocks grew and fleet expanded and modernized. But then Kethane was discovered. Thus, GFMC's investors left the small company for this new resource. But, GFMC never died out, but faded into obscurity, supplying other companies with raw ore and fuel. Then the war heated up, and GFMC thought they would be safe. Not the case, GMI, in the process of consolidating their position, attempted to buy out GFMC for their ore, which GFMC refused. Threats were exchanged with GMI [appearing to] giving up negotiations. Unexpectedly, GMI came in and seized the GFMC Mun and Minmus bases. GFMC was able to send its main carrier out to Ike along with staff and drones. GFMC fully dedicates its materials, assets, and craft to HKA in hopes it may recover to its post-war prosperity. [this is a work in progress, I'll update as soon as possible] GFMC: Refueler and Tender: Vulcan The Vulcan is the second crown jewel of the GFMC fleet. It is the second capital ship, the first being the Hephaestus, capable of refueling and command. Both were constructed to ferry fuel, ore, and supplies between GFMC orbital and surface bases and are nearly identical. During the GMI attack, the Vulcan was en route to the Mun and was safely diverted to a nearby asteroid in Sol orbit. Hephaestus was shipwrecked on Minmus. Vulcan, at the asteroid facility, dumped its ISRUs and cargo holds and was hastily retrofitted for the rigors of combat. But, it never saw action, and remained at the asteroid garrison, forgotten. After the GFMC evacuation to colony bases, one head engineer remembered the Vulcan and mentioned it at the post-evacuation press conference. It was quickly decided to reassign her to HKA 's fleet. GFMC has yet to receive confirmation of the transfer order and has placed the Vulcan on standby. Delta-V: 4411 m/s TWR: 0.57 Crew: 11 Ordinance: None, though capable of carrying torpedoes Notes: Nuclear Engines [action group 1], Aerospike Engines [action group 2], Radiators and Solar Panels [actions group 3], Usage: The "Vulcan" has the ability to fuel several ships at once, depending on docking configuration. One can also lock onto other ships for EVA transfer or fueling. It must be noted that the Vulcan Oh, and I have read the rules and checked everything.
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