This mod is awesome!
I would like to see more space only experiments at the end game level of the mod tree for space. The game lacks space station fun without mods.
couple of ideas for you if you don't mind:
Kraken Particle Smasher
-reskin of adv. reaction wheel, large
-1000 science category, experimental electrics
-Near-Space Science Report: Our attempts to see the finite structure of the universe has been successful. The mysteries of the multi-verse are within our grasps!
-High-Space Science Report: Our research has discovered an anomaly in the fabric of space-time...
Tentacle Biology Lab (your sample cardboard box supplier) and/or Dimensional Gate
=reskin of PPD-12 Cupola Module, if both sound cool then this would be similar to the specimens for more options, but removal of reaction wheel from module would probably be preferable if done. Redundant features.
=1000 science category, experimental science
-Lab Near-Space Science Report: The tentacles are sluggish and docile. We need better results, but it is important not to overstimulate the specimens...
-Lab High-Space Science Report: The tentacles are multiplying at an alarming rate. Prepare the specimen containers!
-Gate Near-Space Science Report: We can't seem to hold the dimensional gate open for very long...
-Gate High-Space Science Report: ALERT!ALERT!ALERT!**** The gate alarm!? Something is coming out! Contain it for the specimen labs!
Tentacle Incubators
=reskin of Fuel Cell Array
=1000 science category, experimental science
-Near-Space Science Report: Kerbin's gravity is slowing the tentacle's growth rate.
-High-Space Science Report: The tentacles have multiplied in the low gravity. This warrants further testing.
Each of these could have different science descriptions for the planets and moons. Maybe the Kraken samples prefer other places besides Kerbin...? This would also open up a possibility to expand into a KIS system with continuity if you ever chose to; where your Gate produces alpha samples, which could then be used in the Incubator to make beta samples for the Smasher experiment and the Labs for making your Specimen, Sample Box, Racks and Scanner science experiments off-world. I think you have a lot of potential here to take this mod far. Please keep up the amazing work.