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Everything posted by looper_1234

  1. this equation works wonders, finally able to use the antenna rating
  2. I understand it would actually go and use the 1st hop, but in tracking station mode, you can see the possible routes that is available to. the net i am trying to build is just not showing up.
  3. looking at the specs of the antennas, DSN range, I assume these are the working ranges of the said antenna to the tracking stations on Kerbin. But if i want to talk to a relay sat instead of Kerbin stations, the working range definition is not clear to me. I am in a condition where a Communitron 16 can talk to Kerbin at almost full strength, but is unable to link up with a relay (160 sci relay dish) directly above kerbin's poles PS, is it safe to think of the stations on Kerbin as an antenna rated at 250G
  4. Data mechanic should fit into the laws of diminishing returns that governs the gathering of science. as if the labs all share a cloud of data, and draws data from the cloud, duplicates generating diminished data, and science return based on the distance to kerbin when the data is being converted to science
  5. Lab is definitely op, at least only unique data should be accepted, allowing duplicate data means science could be farmed. Makes for less incentives to push your sphere of influence
  6. There is no need to collect data on the surface of kerbin each lab is independent and will accept repeated data so sending 3 lab + lander ships on a trip to orbit, mun, minmus, sun, will provide all the data needed to unlock the tech tree
  7. That makes sense, I've being using asparagus staging exclusively ever since i heard of them. but scaling up is very costly.
  8. i know asparagus staging is super efficient in terms of weight, but is it cost effective ? would a pure srb stage get the same job done cheaper ?
  9. A planetary transfer window warning would be nice. I don't feel comfortable skipping month and years just for one mission.
  10. Has anyone managed to get a nice figure of 8 in planned burn? or is minmus just not massive enough
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