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Everything posted by Godot

  1. I can say that Kerbal Engineer Redux works ... from the experience of others, there are, however, other mods that don´t work correctly
  2. Never seen such a thing ... what I know about the Lazor-Mod in previous versions, that the ground stabilizers would have a chance to explode when you launched a Lazor-equipped craft. Also I know that (also in previous versions) flexible objects vouldm be turned into perpetuum mobiles and that some people loved to use ground stabilizers to create spacecraft that could orbit without any rocket engines present. But if these 2 fit together to create the thing you see in your game ... dunno. What I can say without a doubt is, that in my game (on PC, newly started with 0.20, only mod present is Kerbal Engineer Redux) Ground Stabilizers work as they should (by staying on the ground, after having done their job of stabilizing the spaceship before the start)
  3. Or just start a different save till the mods get updated ... to get acccustomed to 0.20 ... after all KSP allows you to have separate saves next to each other. And yes, these are your only options, if your craft heavily rely on mods
  4. Try the game without mods ... mods are always a game of chance with major updates ... some of them might work fine (as the Kerbal Engineer redux) others might do not so well (forcing you to wait till the mod has updated for the new version, before you can use it again)
  5. The absolute contrary ... my game runs considerably faster
  6. Godot

    On Fins

    At 70 and 90m (which are the largest distances in regular tournaments) the fact that arrows are ballistic definitely becomes evident As for fins ... I regularly use them in my rockets. They seem to help ASAS stabilize the rocket
  7. Definitely faster than before ... and my favorite mod, the Kerbal Engineer Redux, works withouzt problems with the new version
  8. Nice surprise ... didn´t expect it before the weekend
  9. Yep, I usually do this with a new major (sub-)version and will do so with 0.20 as well ... may be, however, that I transfer a few of my crafts (like my rover containing Borg-Kubus) between the versions ... but this totally depends on the changes within the craft parts
  10. Not a big problem ... I usually do it (Duna, but also other planets/moons) similar to Apollo Style ... moving to Duna moving with spaceship+lander-combination to Duna, letting 2 of my Kerbonauts get into lander cockpit via EVA, landing and doing things, start, rendezvous with spacecraft, EVA of my kerbonauts back to spacecraft and finally flying home (while the lander remains in orbit) Here a short picture story of one of my former missions to Duna (made in 0.18, therefore don´t be surprised to see a starting tower on the KSP grounds ) The only mod I used in this mission (and use on every spaceship) is Kerbal engineer redux Start from Kerbin Spaceport: http://imgur.com/iDFW6l3 Duna-Orbit: http://imgur.com/WyklUeY EVA to get into Lander: http://imgur.com/p8n2bN6 Separation: http://imgur.com/dgtgh01 Landing on Duna: http://imgur.com/2FJojy6 EVA on Duna: http://imgur.com/fGciSn0 Start from Duna: http://imgur.com/ym7BVL4 Rendezvous with Spaceship and begin of EVA: http://imgur.com/6WlIOKd EVA back: http://imgur.com/Y2h9z7U Leaving Duna system: http://imgur.com/HABpG0K Kerbin greets us after a long voyage: http://imgur.com/7NHfJJC Splashdown: http://imgur.com/Px7Yjal The Album link: http://imgur.com/a/O5w9n#0
  11. while I liked the shuttles, it seemed to have been clearly mismanagement that led to the 2 big desasters (well, definitely mismanagement in case of the challenger, where the decision was done to star despite the warnings about the effect the cold temperatures would have ... but arguably a mismanagement in the 2nd case as well with the decision to not inform the astronauts about the possible damage (to verify the damage and maybe then make an emergency plan). So, considering the high probability that a third dangerous situation in the future would have handled the same way by the management, it probably is better that they stopped the program.
  12. Or you just do roleplaying ... land with your lander near the pod, pretend that the stranded Kerbonauts walk to your lander in their spacesuits and you then, all together, start back to Kerbin (and afterwardsa just delete the flight of the stranded Kerbonauts)
  13. Maybe he means something that has been reported for the stock landing legs as well? (and which might, due to the larger size, possibly be more pronounced for your largerlegs) http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=8228.0
  14. Thanks for the information ... tried the Kerbylon tower with my testing craft and it works ... although it sems to be a shaky affair
  15. Nice parts package :thumbup: but is there any way to get the huge tank combined with the 7 engines platform to work in 0.14? (aside from altering world parameters that is) For me it always deconstructs on the launchpad, even if I make a rocket just with a commando capsule, the tank and 7 of the 7 engine platforms below the tank (without doubt due to the massive weight of the tank, that probably is too much, even for 7 * 7 engine platforms)
  16. Well, to be exactly the game recognized that you have landed on Kerbin (or Mun) ... which you can see in the tracking center, where it correctly says 'Splashed down on Kerbin at [Coordinates]' or 'Landed on Mun at [Coordinates]' it just doesn´t use the information to do anything (it also doesn´t seem to store persistent flight statistics yet ... all statistis displayed in teh end fligth screen only cover the time from the last time you took control of the craft till now (with other words, if you switch to another craft all statistics that your former craft collected are lost)
  17. My first munar space station is orbiting Mun, while Kerbin slowly vanishes behind munar horizon
  18. Kenne mich mit Nova nicht aus ... aber es macht auch einen Unterschied wo die SAS sich befinden ... i.e. ob Du nur hinten SAS eingebaut hast, oder auch weiter vorne an der Rakete
  19. Mun Mission: ~ 0:9:00 Direct course to Mun set ~1:50:00 Orbit around Mun 4:25:30 Landed on Mun (big crater facing Kerbin) 4:26:20 Starting from Mun for our voyage home 10:43:22 End of mission after Splashdown in the ocean south of KSC Could have landed on Kerbin ~0.5-1 hour earlier, but I tried to land as close to KSC as possible and had to do >half a wide orbit in order to do so
  20. On Day 1 after KSP installation (AKSPI) I managed my first orbit, on day 9 AKSPI I managed to get the first spaceship out of Kerbins orbit and into Kerbols orbit without any chance to return (after trying a direct flight to mun but missed it ) at the same day, first successful mun orbit and return to Kerbin Day 23 AKSPI first successful mun landing (all of this reconstructed according to the dates of my pics in my first KSP folder) ... don´t know how many days between these days I played, just can say that aside from the successful missions there were a lot of explosions and Kermans stranded either in space or on mun without any chance to return ) On my to do list is definitely still to test mod parts (haven´t installed a single mod/addon till now (day 47 AKSPI), always worked with stock parts)
  21. But I doubt that this was with just 10 fueltanks and during the time that the engine was still active
  22. Was able to beat my own altutude and reach 800 km by replacing the normal engine of my final stage with a gimballing engine
  23. Seems like I beat Don Lorenzos Altitude by a few kms (which seems to give me an orbital specific energy of: 6,079 ^2 * 0,5 - 3530,461 / (600 + 734) ~ 15,83) (Edit: Corrected an Error in my Formula)
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