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Everything posted by Godot

  1. It did handle very well .. I guess because it was a rather stocky design and had 4 swiveling engines on the side (as well as a RCS Thrusters and ample Reaction Wheels) I just looked up if I could find some pics of it and actually found one: On its way to Mun and still connected to its Mun landing ferry Addendum: Just looked it up in the VAB ... it also had a heat shield below the center tank, adding to its stability by putting something very heavy to the bottom
  2. In my current game: Forgetting the parachutes on my manned spaceship to Mun. And only noticing it on its return to Kerbin, when I was descending in 12 km altitude and wondered why, despite frantically hitting space, no Drogue chutes got released. Funny enough my Kerbonauts still survived ... I had planned ample fuel for the mission and had ~2000 m/s dV left and my engine had a good TWR even in Kerbins atmosphere ... and by throttling it to full I was able to brake my spaceship enough to make a rough, but survivable landing. Nevertheless it were extremly stressful minutes between discovering the absence of my parachutes and the landing
  3. Addendum: I just tested it on the Launchpad and there the controller macros work as they are supposed to work. So, I guess my problem is solved (or rather, was not existent outside opf thje VAB). Still the question remains why it didn't work in the VAB Action Group Mode
  4. Maybe someone has a solution to my problem: I want to create some kind of VTOL-Shuttle that can orient his rocket engines to both, backside as well as underside (similar to the Boeing V-22 Osprey, just that this is a space shuttle and the tilt is supposed to be used for landing on Mun). So I attached 2 Mk-12 Rotation Servos to the main tank of my shuttle craft and 2 KAL-1000-Controllers, one for Flight Mode (Engines firing backwards) and one for Mun Landing Mode (Engines firing downwards). Now the problems start: I have added both Rotation Servos to the action group of both KAL-1000 Controllers (and renamed them in the menu) ... but for unknown reasons, while my left servo works well and does what it is told, my right serco does nothing. Of course, the settings of both rotation servos are exactly the same. Here is a pic that illustrates this ... the left servo is correctly in flight configuration (after playing the macro for the flight configuration controller), whereas the right servo remains in landing configuration (landing configuration btw. has the same problem ... if I alter the settings to another value, the right servo does nothing, only the left one works)
  5. I have the same problem, but also a workaround: It seems like my first scanning arm rover use after accepting such a mission always fails to fulfill the missions parameters. But if I send a second rover, he manages to complete the mission. Therefore, i the first rover fails to complete the mission I nowadays just send in a 2nd rover ... has always worked so far
  6. I put it in here (instead of the general suggestions forum), because it is an expansion specific suggestion. I think it is not only useful, but absolutely necessary, to implement some kind of slider where you can adjust the time intervbals in which you get notification messages about new science points that are generated by your ground experiments. At the moment I have 3 ground experimental setups running on Mun (in order to fulfill a Goo Experiment Contract) and get spammed with messages informing me that the experiment added around 0.033 - 0.007 science points to my science point pool, especially when using time acceleration and IMHO this problem could get solved via 4 ways: Add in a global time interval slider (or buttons) where you can adjust the global time interval for messages by ground experiments (say 10 minutes to 24 hours) Add in a local time interval slider to each experiment control station, in order to adjust the time interval to all experiments controlled by this station Add in a point threshold, so that messages from ground experiments are either sent out when 10 minutes have passed, or when at least 1 full science point has been generated by the experiments ... whetever comes later (At least) Add in a "Delete all Messages"-Option to the Message box, so that you can clear the message box of all messages with one click and don't have (after an interval of time acceleration) to manually delete 100-200 messages one by one I for my part would definitely favor solution 1 ... but actually, the nature of the 4 solutions would also allow them, to be intermixed with each other
  7. Godot


    This. dV requirements to other planets, especially to the outer planets, can show such a large variation (example: Jool, where it can vary between 5km and 18km, depending on when you start) that a single dV value doesn't make sense. Instead the mission should be planned with the dV requirements for the actual starting time (and possible return windows, if manned) in mind
  8. Perhaps extinct ... either by a cosmic catastrophe (like a metorite or hard radiation from some nearby stellar event) or some kind of disease or reverted to stone age, due to a large war (probably because of religious reasons) with bthe use of NBC weapons or a catastrophe that wasn´t able to wipe mankind completely from the face of the planet, or just because of the exhaustion of resources needed to make technology On the other hand, 1*10^6 years are a long time ... mankind could already have begun to recover from said catastrophe/war and may be a technological civilization again
  9. That´s intended, because they are The more important question is, how you can itneract with the API of the universe, in order to let your own programs interact with it. I´d like to use it in order to duplicate my Godot-Self, with the "needs food", "needs water", "gets tired" and "has free will" - flags disabled ... so that I can use my duplicate in order to do menial boring tasks for me
  10. Reys Grand-grandfather and therefore Lukes grandfather and Vaders father
  11. Well, it is clear that it all will boil down to a couple of questions: 1. Does it have pharmacological use? (if yes, secure funding by pharma companies in order to research its cultivation and extraction) 2. Can it be used in warfare? (if yes contact the US military in order to gather fundings for further research into it) 3. Can it replace fossile fuels? (if yes, contact OPEC in order to gather bribes to keep it secret) 4. Is it edible and tastes well? (if yes secure fundings from gourmet restaurant chains in order to research cultivation, extraction and best püreparation techniques) 5. Is it neither of the above ... let exobiologists decide what to do with it
  12. Great ... actually since encountering such an LED-Light feature in Empyrion, I was wondering if such a feature could be implemented in KSP as well. Your mod is the answer to this question
  13. I always found the standard ones, where the capsule spawns in just ~100 km orbi9t around Kerbin to be rather simple ... you just have to take care that your ship launches shortly before the capsule is in its orbit above KSC ... this way you already have a short distance to the capsule when you circularize your orbit and usually manage within one orbit, to get within 2 km of the rescuees ship and switch ships in order to transfer the rescuee with a short spacewalk to your own ship. Unfortunately it seems like in KSP 1.1 it isn´t the rule that you get those easy contracts as first ones .... this was my first rescue contract in 1.1. (meanwhile crashed on mun):
  14. Which version of TAC-LS do you use? The one in the opening posting? This is only for KSP 1.0.5. and doesn´t work in KSP 1.1 (which is why the thread still has the 1.0.5.-Tag) Unfortunately the creator of this (and other) mod/s is quitting KSP due to RL ... therefore it will take some time till his successor will create an official version of TAC LS for KSP 1.1 Meanwhile there is a workaround created by someone else (dunno how well it works, but according to some people it is functional):
  15. Actually I am rather sure that it has to do with stock game and wasn´t introduced by any of the mods (as I don´t use any mods that mess with the mission system): I got a mission to rescue a Kerbal from Kerbins orbit After accepting the mission I discovered, that the ship of the Kerbonautr to rescue wasn´t in Kerbin orbit, but rather on a suborbital trajectory around Mun. I think what happened was, that the RNG placed the ship (and its orbit) too close to Mun, so that it got into Muns SOI and therefore the ship, immediately after creation, got captured by Muns gravity See here:
  16. Most probably because in this case, most of the dV expended in maneuvres took place in space (and low atmosphere pressure environments) ... and for the first 20kms most of your thrust could be prodived by boosters (which also have a way higher Isp in atmosphere than the poodle engine). So that the higher efficiency during the space passages was more than enough to balance out the poodle engines lower efficiency of the lower atmosphere passages. In contrast to Kerbins suborbital and orbital tourist trips, where a much larger percentage of the dV needed is expended in atmosphere and the dV needed in space is (compared to this) only miniscule (and therefore the poodles low Isp is much more of a factor)
  17. Nope ... the engines can be seen at the lower edge of the tank ... it is 3 radial Thud-Engines. I don´t have the necessary tech-level yet, to use poodle engines. But when they are unlocked I only use them for pure space stages ... poodle engines are really inefficient in an atmosphere (Isp of just 90 in an atmosphere, compared to the Isp of 275 for the radial engines)
  18. Just made an album in imgur: http://imgur.com/a/y0NAg The 3 booster rockets of the orbital Touribus are unrecoverable and what can be recovered (i.e. the main engine stage and the passenger/pilot stage) usually nets me, depending on distance to KSP, around 10k I should also mention that in both Touribuses I leave fuel in the tanks for active braking during descent (witrh the suborbital touribus I just aim for ~80km Apoapsis and with the orbital touribus I usually get around 500-900 m/s dV in fuel remaining after circularising the orbit) and that, in the orbital touribus I choose a shallow descent for reentry (with an Apoapsis of around 45km). And, as you see, I make use of drogue chutes for final braking when my rocket has slowed down to < 600 m/s
  19. RIP Prince ... the singer, also known as TAFKAP and Symbol and well known for hits like "Purple rain", "Kiss" or "When doves cry" was found dead at his residence on thursday. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/04/21/entertainment/prince-estate-death/index.html First David Bowie and now Prince ... sad year for the music
  20. Also always be aware of the fact that, simplified, engines in KSP can be broken down into 2 major groups: Engines that work well in an atmosphere and engines that work well in a vacuum It usually doesn´t make sense to use an engine in the first stages, that only works well in a vacuum ... it also doesn´t make sense to use an engine for interplanetary tranbsfer, that is horrible in vacuum and only good in an atmosphere. (unless you have no alternatives or very good reasons to deviate from this rule, of course ... there may also be special cases that give you reasons to deviate from certain rules) Also be aware that usually in eingines there is a tradeoff between efficiency and thrust ... the most efficient engines usually produce the least thrust ... ask yourself how mucvh thrust you really need (especially in space (if it is not about landing or starting from a planet) you usually don´t need high TWR values and can play more with efficient low thrust engines)
  21. I for my part make my suborbital (and also orbital) tour buses as recycleable as possible (which, in case of my suborbital tour buses, means 100%) You can well do it by designing the ship in a way, that it only consists of 2 major stages (if we discount stages to fire off parachutes) and has the 2nd stage only then separate when you are already shortly before touchdown (i.e. around 10 km altitude) ... and, of course fit the second stage (as well as the first one) wsith enough parachutes to land. This way you only have costs for fuel, as well as a small percentage of your spaceships worth that gets spent on recovery (which, as suborbital hops don´t take you too far from KSC, are really small costs)
  22. It seems to me (KSP 1.1 64 Bit, newest version of KER) like there is a glitch in the TWR calculation when I adjust thrust and fuel for SRBs. Lowering the thrust for the SRBs actually (according to the display in KER in the VAB) results in a higher TWR ... and lowering the fuel for my SRBs results in a lower TWR (as if KER mistakes thrust and fuel percentages with each other) Disregard everything written in the upper part of the posting ... for some reason (maybe sleepiness) I looked at the wrong stage (the second stage instead of the first one),. which, of course, gets affected in the way I mentioned, when the thrust limiters and fuel of the SRBs in the first stage are changed
  23. This sounds very interesting and I´ll definitely give it a try a short while afdter it is uipdated to KSP 1.1 That said, it would be great if you could add a [1.1]-Tag to the thread title, when the mod gets updated to the current KSP version
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