Hello all,
So I've been running into a weird problem, and that is that after starting KSP, once I click on anything, whether it be an icon on the main menu, or just in empty space, the game immediately CTDs. It's like a mouse click triggers ALT-F4.
Log.txt: https://mega.nz/file/nQAxSSbC#JCDFdbvp2GD7gy1RzT6oMQmKp2EHPMJJJlC9T7DqO0c
Mods list: https://imgur.com/a/W5Ah0VD
All mods are latest as hosted on CKAN, and I checked each one that wasn't updated for 1.11 and they are supposedly compatible. I went through and uninstalled some mods that I thought would be causing the issue, such as ClickThroughBlocker, but no luck. Also tried deleting settings.cfg, but nothing changed (except for the screen rez.).
Repro steps:
Launch game.
Observe game crash.