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Everything posted by DJXenobot

  1. Hey there, Something is going on with my install of Kerbal Space Program and I'm not quite sure why. Several things seem to be slightly off. For Example: In the Orbiting 101, when they say that they're going to adjust the thrust whilst in space a bit.. No space ship is in view! :S The main issue is: In career mode, the second I finish building my ship and then click Launch (Literally just the Space module, rocket and wings), after 1 second or so of loading, there is a large flash of fire and explosions covering the entire screen, and then i just get a slightly zoomed out view of the space station on the planet... I then click back to the space station and am able to click launch in the hangar again and just get the same results. Is this a bug in my game or am I missing something?
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